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互联网  2018-05-15 00:00:00  互联网

1 一.....就...... as soon as, the moment, the minute, the instant, the second, immediately, instantly, directly

2 尽可能 as..... as possible, as ....as you can

3 乐意做 be glad to do sth, be pleased to do sth , be happy to do sth , be delighted to do sth, It is a pleasure to do sth

4 准备做 get ready for sth, get sth ready , be ready to do sth , prepare for sth , prepare oneself for sth, prepare to do sth, prepare sth for sb, be prepared for sth

5 邀请与请求 Would you like to do sth , Would you like sth , Would you please do , May I do ...?

6 没用 It is no use in doing sth, There is no use of doing sth, It is useless to do sth, It is no good in doing sth

7 结果 so.... that , enough to do sth, too.....to..

8 花费 Sb spends some time /money on sth Sb spends some time /money in doin sth Sb pays some money for sth Sb buy sth for some money Sth costs sb some time /time to do sth It costs sb some money /time to do sth ,It takes sb some time /money to do sth, It takes some time /money for sb to do sth

9 为了 so that 引导目的状语从句in order that 引导目的状语从句 so as to do sth 引导目的状语 in order to do sth 引导目的状语

10 以至于不 too..... to , so ....that....not...., not....enough ....to

11 习惯 be used to doing sth , be accustomed to doing sth

12 建议 What about sth/ doing sth How about sth /dong sth Why not do sth

13 出什么毛病了 What’s matter with ? What’s wrong with ? What’s the trouble with ? What happens to ...?

14 为什么不 Why not do sth? Why don’t you do ?

15 不但 ...而且 not only..... but also, not only... but, not only..... but.... as well

16 劝阻,阻止 stop sb from doing sth , keep sb from doing sth , prevent sb from doing sth , discourage sb from doing sth

17 相处 get on with sth, get along with sb ,

18 因为 thanks to , due to , because of, as a result of, owing to

19 形式主语、宾语结构 It’s adj for/of sb to do sth Sb. find/think /feel it adj to do sth

20 stress 的有关词组 be stressed out 有压力, be under a lot of stress 有压力 stand /bear the stress 忍受压力 put/lay stress on sth 强调

21. 容忍 put up with ,(can’t) stand/ bear/ tolerate/ endure

22. 对……厌烦 be tired of, be fed up with ,be sick of, be bored with 句型总汇be tired with/from sth./doing sth. 因……感到疲劳 be tired out 精疲力竭(=be exhausted)

23.擅长 do well in sth. /doing sth. be good at sth. /doing sth.

24.弱 be weak in ,be bad for, be poor at

25.感叹句句型汇总 What+a/an+adj.+[c]+主+谓! Whatt+adj.+pl./[u]+主+谓! How +adj./adv.+主+谓! How+句子!

26. “双宾语”汇总 show sb. sth. ------ show sth. to sb. pass sb. sth. ------pass sth. to sb. post sb. sth. ------ post sth. to sb. take give sb. sth. ------ take give sth. to sb. lend sb. sth. ------lend sth. to sb. throw sb. sth. ------ throw sth. to sb. do sb. harm. ------ do harm to sb. offer sb. sth. ------ offer sth. to sb. wave sb. sth. ------wave sth. to sb. tell sb. sth. ------tell sth. to sb. send sb. sth. ------send sth. to sb. wish sb. sth. ------ wish sth. to sb. read sb. sth. ------ read sth. to sb. teach sb. sth. ------ teach sth. to sb. telegraph sb. sth. ------telegraph sth. to sb. sing sb. sth. ------sing sth. to /for sb. write sb. sth. ------write sth. to sb. save sb. sth. ------save sth. for sb. order sb. sth. ------order sth. for sb. pour sb. sth. ------ pour sth. for sb. make sb. sth. ------make sth. fo r sb. buy sb. sth. ------buy sth. for sb. cook sb. sth. ------cookbuy sth. for sb. get sb. sth. ------get sth. for sb. win sb. sth. ------win sth. for sb. leave sb. sth. ------leave sth. for sb.

27. 出问题 There is sth. wrong with sth./sb Sth. is wrong with

28. doing 与 to do, 意思别模糊 forget doing sth.做了忘了 forget to do sth. 忘了做了 remember doing sth.记得已做 stop doing sth 停止做 stop to do sth 停下来去做 watch/see/hear sb. to do sth 看/听见/做 go on doing sth. 继续做(同一件事) go on to do sth. 继续做(另一件事) try doing sth 尝试做 try to do sth. 努力做 mean doing sth. 意味着…… mean to do sth. 打算做

29.告别 wave sb off 挥手告别 wave goodbye sb. say goodbye to sb.see sb. Off

30. 给某人打电话 call sb. ring sb. call up sb. ring up sb. phone sb. give sb. a phone, give sb. a call, call sb at+电话号码,dial+电话号码
