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完形填空 Shakespeare was born in Stratford 1 the centre of Britain in 1564.He was an outstanding 2 playwright and 3,and one of the most outstanding writers in t-九年级英语

[db:作者]  2019-11-12 00:00:00  零零社区


        Shakespeare was born in Stratford 1 the centre of Britain in 1564.He was an outstanding 2 playwright and 3,and one of the most outstanding writers in the world literature (文学) history. When he was 4 20,he came to London, his capital. He 5 worked 6 a groom(马夫) an actor, a director and a playwright. In all his36,he wrote 7 plays,54 sonnets(十四行诗) and other 8.His four comedies(喜剧)and four tragedies(悲剧) are still popular9 people. "The Merchant of Venice"(威利斯商人) is one of the 10 comedies. In his later years, he came back to his hometown. He died in 1616.
(     )1. A. on      
(     )2. A. English  
(     )3. A. speaker  
(     )4. A. above    
(     )5. A. before  
(     )6. A. in      
(     )7. A.life      
(     )8. A. stories  
(     )9. A. to      
(     )10.A. six      

B. in        
B. American  
B. musician  
B. in        
B. never    
B. at        
B. living    
B. songs    
B. with      
B. five      

C. at        
C. French    
C. poet      
C. on        
C. once      
C. as        
C. live      
C. novels    
C. between  
C. four      

D. to      
D. German  
D. leader  
D. over    
D. always  
D. for      
D. lives    
D. poems    
D. in      
D. seven    

题型:完形填空  难度:中档


1~5   BACDC
6~10 CADBC

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