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完型填空。 Mr Cross wanted to go to his hometown1 . He liked to sit beside a window when he was flying. So he2a window seat when he got in the plane. He found-九年级英语

[db:作者]  2019-11-12 00:00:00  互联网


     Mr Cross wanted to go to his hometown    1   . He liked to sit beside a window when he was flying. So
he    2   a window seat when he got in the plane. He found that all of them were taken    3    one. There was
a soldier sitting in the seat beside this one and Mr Cross was happy that the soldier had not    4   the one by
the window. When he    5   it, Mr Cross saw that there was a piece of paper    6    some words on the seat.
It said, "This seat is broken. You can't take it, Thank you." "A broken seat in a plane? Is that    7   ?" Mr
Cross said    8  , but he walked on and found    9   empty seat, not beside a window, to sit in. When the
plane was quite   10  , a very beautiful girl got into the plane. As soon as he saw her, the soldier quickly took
the paper off the seat beside his and let the girl sit in during the whole trip.
(     )1. A. by bus  
(     )2. A. found out
(     )3. A. only     
(     )4. A. sat     
(     )5. A. reached 
(     )6. A. and     
(     )7. A. good   
(     )8. A. loudly  
(     )9. A. other   
(     )10. A. fast    
B. by ship     
B. found       
B. on          
B. taken       
B. arrived     
B. with        
B. comfortable 
B. happily     
B. others      
B. rushed      
C. by train      
C. looked for    
C. except        
C. put           
C. saw           
C. for           
C. dangerous     
C. to the soldier
C. another       
C. crowded       
D. by air       
D. looked       
D. to           
D. seen         
D. got          
D. of                           
D. possible     
D. to himself   
D. the other    
D. full       
题型:完形填空  难度:偏难


1. D  2. C  3. C  4. B  5. A 
6. B  7. D  8. D  9. C  10. D

据专家权威分析,试题“完型填空。 Mr Cross wanted to go to his hometown1 . He like..”主要考查你对  故事类阅读  等考点的理解。关于这些考点的“档案”如下:



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