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阅读理解。 One day, I was driving along a country road at 80 miles an hour. Suddenly a chicken came along. It ranfaster than my car. I was surprised. I drove-八年级英语

[db:作者]  2019-11-12 00:00:00  零零社区


     One day, I was driving along a country road at 80 miles an hour. Suddenly a chicken came along. It ran
faster than my car. I was surprised. I drove faster and ran after the chicken, but it was out of sight. Soon I
got to a farm house.
     The farmer was standing by the door and looking down the road. I stopped my car, got out and walked
up to the farmer. "I have just seen a chicken running at 80 miles an hour or more. I can't believe it."
     "Ah, that was one of mine," the farmer said.
     "One of yours! But how can a chicken run that fast?" I asked.
      "Well, it's like this. People around here like to eat chicken legs. I wanted to make more money, so I
decided to breed (饲养) chickens with three legs. Everything went well. Soon I was breeding a lot of
three-legged chickens. It's that extra (额外的) leg that makes them run so fast." 
      "That's interesting," I said, "And what do these three-legged chickens taste like?" 
      "I don't know," the farmer said, "Because I have never been able to catch one."
1. The chicken usually runs            a car.

[     ]

A. as fast as
B. a little faster than
C. much slower than
D. as slow as
2. I didn't catch the chicken because            .

[     ]

A. I didn't run after it
B. it ran over 80 miles an hour
C. I drove too slowly
D. a farmer got it
3. The farmer thought            .

[     ]

A. three-legged chickens would bring him more money
B. three-legged chickens ran faster than two-legged ones
C. all the people liked to eat chicken legs
D. I would buy his chickens
4. The three-legged chickens            .

[     ]

A. tasted better than two-legged ones
B. were very delicious
C. looked terrible
D. could run faster than a car
5. Which of the following is true?

[     ]

A. The farmer kept one three-legged chicken.
B. The three-legged chicken made the farmer rich.
C. The farmer couldn't run fast enough to catch the three-legged chickens.
D. All the three legs made the chicken run faster than a car.
题型:阅读理解  难度:偏难



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