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完形填空。 On the first day of school, our professor introduced a little old lady called Rose to us."Why are you in college at1old age?" I asked later. "I'-九年级英语

[db:作者]  2019-11-12 00:00:00  零零社区


     On the first day of school, our professor introduced a little old lady called Rose to us.
     "Why are you in college at    1    old age?" I asked later.
     "I'm here to meet a rich husband, get married, have a couple of    2  , and then retire and travel. Having
a college education is one of the most important    3    in my life and now I'm getting one!" she told me.
      We soon had no    4   and became friends. I always listened to this "time machine" as she shared    5   
experiences with me. I thought she was very clever and I was    6    her intelligence (智力).
      At the end of the term we    7    Rose to give a talk to our football team. We were all    8   by what she
taught us. When she began to give a talk, she was not as natural as she    9   is. Then she   10   her throat
and began, "When you lose your dreams, you die.   11   can grow old. We should correctly   12   death.
The only people that are afraid of death are those with regrets."
     At the year's end Rose finished the college degree. One week after graduation Rose died   13   in her
sleep. Over two thousand college   14   attended her funeral to honor the wonderful woman. She told us
that it's never too   15  to be all you can possibly be.
(     )1. A. so an   
(     )2. A. children  
(     )3. A. events   
(     )4. A. space    
(     )5. A. our     
(     )6. A. on      
(     )7. A. begged   
(     )8. A. attracted  
(     )9. A. seldom   
(     )10. A. rose     
(     )11. A. Somebody   
(     )12. A. take     
(     )13. A. quickly   
(     )14. A. workers   
(     )15. A. late    
B. such        
B. boys    
B. distance   
B. distance   
B. his       
B. below     
B. ordered     
B. interviewed     
B. usually    
B. cleared    
B. No one      
B. watch      
B. lonely     
B. professors  
B. early    
C. so            
C. girls      
C. descriptions  
C. review    
C. her          
C. under        
C. told             
C. caught     
C. always        
C. opened         
C. Anybody       
C. rise           
C. hardly          
C. students      
C. good     
D. such an        
D. daughters       
D. sights    
D. wonder        
D. their          
D. above           
D. invited         
D. kept            
D. never          
D. checked                    
D. Nobody         
D. face           
D. naturally      
D. teachers        
D. bad         
题型:完形填空  难度:偏难


1-5: DAABC    6-10: BDABB    11-15: CDDCA

据专家权威分析,试题“完形填空。 On the first day of school, our professor introdu..”主要考查你对  故事类阅读  等考点的理解。关于这些考点的“档案”如下:



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