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阅读理解。My problems started after I went to a boarding school (寄宿学校). I was only 14, and at first I missed my family a lot. I often called them and cried-八年级英语

[db:作者]  2019-11-12 00:00:00  互联网


    My problems started after I went to a boarding school (寄宿学校). I was only 14, and at first I missed
my family a lot. I often called them and cried on the phone. But after two weeks, I found I enjoyed being
with my classmates at school.
    I had many friends who were boys. I thought of them as my best friends - but only friends. I never
guessed my friendships with boys would become a problem. 
    Then, three months later, my friends told me that some teachers and girls said I was hanging out with
boys all day long in order to get attention from them. Seven months after that, the head teacher Mr. Wang
asked the class to choose some students to join the Student Union. I thought I could win for I was doing
well in school. I'd already won prizes for the best math and English exams. A week later, the list came out
and it didn't include me. I was sad.
    Mr. Wang came to me and said, "Don't be sad. I know you're excellent! Maybe you're a little distant
from the girls in our class. They don't know much about you, so some of them didn't choose you. It doesn't
matter. Do your best to get along well with everyone and I think you'll make it next time."
1. What was the writer's problem when she first entered the boarding school?
[     ]
A) She didn't like her new school.
B) She didn't get along well with her classmates.
C) She missed her family very much.
2. Many of the writer's friends in her new school were ______.
[     ]
A) teachers
B) boys
C) girls
3. Why did the writer fail to join the Student Union?
[     ]
A) Her teachers didn't like her.
B) She was a poor student.
C) Some girls didn't choose her.
4. The underlined word "distant" means "______" in Chinese?
[     ]
A) 疏远的
B) 挑衅的
C) 偏心的
5. Which of the following is NOT true, according to the passage?
[     ]
A) The writer won prizes for the best science and English exams.
B) The writer didn't realize that her friendships with boys would cause problems.
C) The writer was sad because she failed to join the Student Union.
题型:阅读理解  难度:中档


1-5: CBCAA

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