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阅读短文,选择正确答案。 I first met Windy, a six-year-old girl, on the beach near where I lived. Every time when I felt unhappy, I drove to the beach. She was-九年级英语

[db:作者]  2019-11-12 00:00:00  互联网


    I first met Windy, a six-year-old girl, on the beach near where I lived. Every time when I felt unhappy, I
drove to the beach. She was building sand house or something else there. She looked up, her eyes were as blue
as the sea.
    "Hello." She said. I answered, but didn't really want to stop her."I'm building." she said again. I saw that.
"What is it?" I asked her."Oh, I don't know. I just like the feeling of the sand."
    Oh, that's good, I thought, and took off my shoes to join her. A sandpiper (一种水鸟) flew by. She told me
that it would make me happy. I felt better then.
    On my next visit, I learned that Windy lived in a summer cottage (小屋) and didn't go to school, even though
it was winter. Soon after, my mother died, and I rushed to the beach to be alone. I didn't want to say anything
when Windy came up to me."Why?" she asked.
    I turned to her and shouted, "Because my mother died!" "Oh," she said quietly, "then today is a bad day."
    A month later, I went to the beach but couldn't find Windy. I missed her so much that I visited her house. I
learned that Windy had died of leukemia (白血病), but left a picture of a sandpiper for me, to make me happy.
1. The writer drove to the beach because _________.

[     ]

A. a six-year-old girl lived near there
B. Windy's eyes were as blue as the sea
C. she didn't feel happy
2. The writer felt better _________.

[     ]

A. because she took off her shoes
B. when she stopped the girl from playing
C. after she learned that a sandpiper would bring her joy
3. On her next visit to the beach, the writer learned ________.

[     ]

A. that the girl's name was Windy 
B. how to build a summer cottage
C. that Windy didn't go to school
4. Why did the writer rush to the beach soon after? Because ________.

[     ]

A. her mother died
B. she wanted to be alone
C. she thought Windy must be there
5. Why did Windy left a picture of a sandpiper for the writer? Because she thought that _________.

[     ]

A. the writer liked the sandpiper
B. it would make the writer happy
C. the writer missed her
题型:阅读理解  难度:偏难


1-5: CCCBB

据专家权威分析,试题“阅读短文,选择正确答案。 I first met Windy, a six-year-old g..”主要考查你对  故事类阅读  等考点的理解。关于这些考点的“档案”如下:



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