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完形填空。 The first people I saw as soon as I came back from my holiday was my grandfather. He1the frontdoor for me and stood there, looking at me up and down -九年级英语

[db:作者]  2019-11-12 00:00:00  零零社区


     The first people I saw as soon as I came back from my holiday was my grandfather. He   1   the front
door for me and stood there, looking at me up and down in great   2  . "What's the matter with you?" He
asked. I was hungry, dirty and tired   3   my journey. "I have been   4   on the Balkan Express (巴尔干快车)",
I answered quickly. "And I haven't eaten anything for over ten   5  . As I didn't get a seat, I had to   6   most
of my time in the corridor (走廊) where I was nearly stepped to death."
     "The Balkan Express!" my grandfather got excited." When I was a young man, that was a   7   train.
There was dinning -car and you could   8   some of the best food and wines in Europe. I can even   9   a
time when a band played during the mealtime. So I still speaking highly of (高度赞扬) it and I'm  10  of it,
too." He stopped for a while and went on saying" The  11  Balkan Express was the very best." "Time have
changed,grandfather,"Isaid  12 , "They've changed for the  13 ."
     After he knew what had happened to me, he  14  with me. Then he asked me to take a nice hot bath
before I could get  15  warm and nice to eat.
(     )1. A. closed       
(     )2. A. surprise     
(     )3. A. until        
(     )4. A. working     
(     )5. A. days        
(     )6. A. spend      
(     )7. A. strange     
(     )8. A. get        
(     )9. A. relax        
(     )10. A. afraid      
(     )11. A. young        
(     )12. A. happily     
(     )13. A. larger      
(     )14. A. checked     
(     )15. A. something                
B. opened               
B. trouble              
B. after                  
B. waiting                
B. hours                     
B. pay              
B. dangerous               
B. make                
B. return                        
B. proud                   
B. useful       
B. sadly                
B. better                
B. celebrated            
B. anything          
C. packed           
C. thought           
C. before        
C .traveling         
C. weeks                
C. cost         
C. wonderful                            
C. cook          
C. remember              
C. sure               
C. old            
C. luckily           
C. worse                
C. agreed     
C. nothing       
题型:完形填空  难度:偏难


1-5: BABCB   6-10: ACACB   11-15: CBCCA

据专家权威分析,试题“完形填空。 The first people I saw as soon as I came back fro..”主要考查你对  故事类阅读  等考点的理解。关于这些考点的“档案”如下:



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