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阅读理解。 CHENGDU-After flying for five minutes over Wenchuan, Li Xiang finally found a landing place for his helicopter (直升机) on a hill near the earthquake--九年级英语

[db:作者]  2019-11-12 00:00:00  互联网


     CHENGDU-After flying for five minutes over Wenchuan, Li Xiang finally found a landing place for his
helicopter (直升机) on a hill near the earthquake-hit county.
     Li, an officer of the Aviation Regiment (陆航团) of the Ghengdu Military Area Command, then made a
soft landing and waited as his team got off food and medicine while the people around cried, "Thank you,
soldiers! Finally, we have hope."
     After the quake, Li's regiment was the first to fly into the counties and towns such as Wenchuan,
Maoxian, Yingxiu and Beichuan.
     After struggling with all difficulties, the regiment provided a lifeline from the sky for the people who they
would have been unable to get to in any other way.
     At 2: 28 pm on May 12, a heavy shake woke up the pilots who were taking a rest. At 2:48 pm, they were
told to fly to the quake-hit area. And Li's regiment started the largest rescue (营救) operation in its history.
     By Wednesday, the regiment had carried more than 304 tons of food, medicine and water. It had also
flown 959 injured (受伤的) peopleout of the quake-hit areas and carried 1,232 rescuers and medical workers
into the areas.
     Since May 12, the regiment has made 815 flights into the quake-hit areas, with a total flying time of 758
     The pilots also risked their lives for foreigners trapped in the high mountains for four days. On May 15,
two helicopters transported 35 foreign tourists from Wolong village to Ghengdu. The tourists, mainly from
the US, the UK and France, could finally put an end to their panda-viewing trip.
1. According to the passage, ________.
A. the helicopters got to the trapped people easily
B. no one flew to the area before Li's regiment did
C. the regiment had not gone to any rescue before
D. the helicopters were used as they could land anywhere
2. It can be inferred from the passage that ________ were among the most needed soon after
   the quake happened.
A. tents, food and clothes
B. food, medicine and water
C. food, water and clothes
D. tents, water and medicine
3. Which of the following may NOT be included in the regiment's tasks?
A. To carry medicine to the quake-hit areas.
B. To carry rescuers to the quake-hit areas.
C. To take injured people out of the quake-hit areas.
D. To take buried (被埋的) people out of the rubble (瓦砾).
4. The foreign tourists who were rescued ________.
A. came from Europe, America and Oceania (大洋洲)
B. had been trapped in the mountains for 5 days
C. went to Sichuan to have a look at pandas
D. would continue their journey to Wolong
5. The proper title for the passage is "________".
A. They carry a lifeline through the air
B. They carry things to quake-hit areas
C. They send love to people in danger
D. They bring trapped people to safety
题型:阅读理解  难度:偏难


1-5       BBDCA

据专家权威分析,试题“阅读理解。 CHENGDU-After flying for five minutes over Wenchu..”主要考查你对  故事类阅读  等考点的理解。关于这些考点的“档案”如下:



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