A peacock and a nightingale It was a fine day. A peacock was dancing happily in the forest. He began to __1__ suddenly because he saw a nightingale __2__ in a tree. He said to the nightingale sadly, "You have a sweet __3__ , but I don't have." Just then the king of birds came. He asked, "Peacock, why are you so __4__ ? " the peacock said to __5__ , "I have such a beautiful body, but my voice is so bad that everyone will __6__ me." The king of birds said, "You don't __7__ to be sad. All things have their own strong points (优点) and weaknesses. For example, you have a beautiful body but don't have a sweet voice. A nightingale has a sweet voice, but he doesn't __8__ as beautiful as you. __9__ you should learn to live __10__ your weakness. Do you think it's right?