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There are different superstitions (迷信) in different countries. In Britain, for example, many people do not like to walk under a ladder or to open an umbrella-八年级英语

[db:作者]  2019-11-12 00:00:00  零零社区


     There are different superstitions (迷信) in different countries. In Britain, for example, many people do
not like to walk under a ladder or to open an umbrella in a house. If they spill(撒) salt, they will often
throw some of it over one of their shoulders.
     When people marry, their friends often tie old shoes to the back of the wedding car. This is because
the shoes can kick away bad spirits(幽灵). Another wedding superstition is to throw small pieces of
paper over the couple. This paper is called confetti(五彩纸屑) . Some people believe that throwing
confetti over the couple will help them to have many children. At one time people wanted to have many
children, but nowadays people usually want only one or two children. However, we still throw confetti
over the couple!
     Superstitions are very silly(愚蠢的), but some people still like to believe in them.
1. The story is about ________.
A. weddings            
B. spirits
C. superstitions          
D. confetti
2. People in Britain do not like to ________.
A. walk under ladders
B. wear shoes
C. throw confetti
D. eat salt
3. If superstitious people spill salt, then ________.     
A. they get married
B. they kick away bad spirits
C. they walk under a ladder
D. they throw salt over one of their shoulders
4. What do people do at weddings to help their friends have many children?     
A. They come to the wedding.
B. They throw paper at their friends.
C. They tie shoes to their friends' wedding car.
D. They throw confetti over their friends.
5. The writer of the story ________.        
A. doesn't believe in superstitions
B. tells us how to have good luck
C. thinks superstitions are silly
D. wants people to believe in superstitions
题型:阅读理解  难度:中档



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