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阅读理解 There are two deaf(聋的) men in a small village. One is Mr. White and the other is Mr. Black. They live near to each other. They are good friends.-七年级英语

[db:作者]  2019-11-12 00:00:00  零零社区


       There are two deaf(聋的) men in a small village. One is Mr. White and the other is Mr. Black.
They live near to each other. They are good friends.
       Mr. White and Mr. Black often talk together. They talk about all kinds of things. Sometimes they
are worried about their hearing. But one thinks the other is much deafer. 
       One day Mr. Black comes to see Mr. White. Mr. White is sitting on a chair, He is having a rest.
Mr. Black stops at the door and asks, "Can you hear me?" There is no answer. Mr. Black goes nearer
and asks again, "Can you hear me?" Again he doesn't hear any answer. Mr. Black is quite pleased.
Still he goes nearer and asks for the third time, "Can you hear me?" Still there is no answer. At last
Mr. Black goes up to Mr. White and calls, "Now I know you are much deafer than me. You don't
hear my questions." "I'm much deafer?" says Mr. White. "No, I answer you three times. But you do
not hear my answer."
1. Mr. White and Mr. Black are                 .       
A. brothers  
B. in the city  
C. not near to each other  
D. in the same village.
2. Mr. White and Mr. Black often                 together.      
A. talk    
B. have a rest    
C. sit at home    
D. go out for a walk
3. One day Mr. Black talks with Mr. White                  .      
A. in Mr. Black's house          
B. in the street
C. at the door of Mr. White's house  
D. happily
4. Which one is right?                
A. Mr. White doesn't answer Mr. Black's question.
B. Mr. Black doesn't hear Mr. White's answer.
C. Mr. White is deafer than Mr. Black
D. Mr. White wouldn't like to answer Mr. Black's question
5. Mr. Black and Mr. White are                    men, I think.   
A. interesting      
B. good        
C. bad          
D. blind
题型:阅读理解  难度:中档


1-5 D A C B A

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