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完形填空。 A few years ago when my daughter was about two years old, I went through a difficult time. My husband left us and I didn’t have 1______money. I thi-九年级英语

[db:作者]  2019-11-12 00:00:00  互联网


     A few years ago when my daughter was about two years old, I went through a
difficult time. My husband left us and I didn’t have 1______money. I think I was
also 2______disappointed but I had to take care of my daughter.
     One day I thought I would take my 3______  to a park as she liked to play there
and I thought it was a nice thing to do. I decided to 4_____  there because the bus
was expensive, so it 5_____ us a long time to get there. When we finally  6____,
my daughter immediately began to 7______. She was cold and thirsty and wanted to go
home. I didn’t even have any money to buy a drink 8_____to take the bus back
home. I was so 9______ because my dream of a nice time had fallen apart.
      I started walking back home, and my daughter would not stop crying. I felt so
unhappy and angry with 10____ and my life that I started crying, 11_____.At that
point a car stopped beside us and a gentleman offered us a lift. He took us home,
and seemed really 12______  he even offered me all his change! The kindness of this
stranger really made me feel 13______better. I never saw him again and I don’t
know who he is but he really 14______that day. Now my life is better and my
daughter has 15______  .I always tell her that story. Maybe she doesn’t remember
that day now, but she has been moved by that stranger.
(     )1.A. lot of          
(     )2.A. a little of    
(     )3.A. parents        
(     )4.A. drive          
(     )5.A. cost            
(     )6.A. arrived        
(     )7.A. laugh          
(     )8.A. and            
(     )9.A. excited        
(     )10.A. she          
(     )11.A. either        
(     )12.A. afraid        
(     )13.A. much          
(     )14.A. helped out me
(     )15.A. used up       
B. many        
B. a bit of    
B. son          
B. fly          
B. spent        
B. got          
B. smile        
B. but          
B. angry        
B. myself      
B. also        
B. kind        
B. more        
B. helped me out
B. made up      
C. much            
C. a kind of      
C. daughter        
C. walk            
C. paid            
C. reached        
C. cry            
C. or              
C. happy          
C. I              
C. too            
C. cold            
C. many            
C. broke me down  
C. called up      
D. some            
D. kind of          
D. friend          
D. run              
D. took            
D. be              
D. shout            
D. so              
D. upset            
D. mine            
D. though          
D. serious          
D. lots of          
D. broke down me    
D. grown up        
题型:完形填空  难度:中档


1-5 C D C C D         6-10 A C C D B         11-15 C B A B D

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