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阅读理解。 Ivan Fletcher loves crazy inventions. He writes a weekly magazine column (专栏) called Unbelievable Inventions."One of my favorite inventions is th-九年级英语

[db:作者]  2019-11-12 00:00:00  互联网


     Ivan Fletcher loves crazy inventions. He writes a weekly magazine column (专栏) called Unbelievable
     "One of my favorite inventions is the Butter Stick. It looks like a glue, but it's butter. You spread it on
the bread without using a knife," he says. "Another cool invention is Duster Slippers for pets. You put these
special shoes on your dog or cat. As the animal runs around your house, it collects dust from the floor. Very
useful!" A lot of these inventions come from Japan-the home of the crazy invention.
     Ivan says that the British also invent a lot of crazy things. "The other day I found an invention called a
Cat Seat Saver," he says. "The Cat Saver looks exactly like a sleeping cat-but it isn't real. You put it on your
seat if you have to go to the rest room. No one will sit in your seat because they think there's a sleeping cat
on it. Pretty cool!"
     However, does anyone buy these things? Yes. Lucy Wade from the shopping website crazygadgets.com
says that their customers are young, professional people.
     "They buy these small things mostly for fun," she says. "They are usually looking for a present for a
friend's birthday or a silly girl for someone they work with."
     If you have an idea for an amazing invention, send it to Lucy at lucyw@crazygagets.com.
     Fish Radio
     This useful radio is completely waterproof, so you can listen to it in the shower. Simply stick on the
bathroom wall and sing along to your favorite songs as you shower!
     Watch Your Back Mirror
     Don't get caught surfing the Internet or sending e-mails to your friends. Stick this mirror to your computer
screen and you'll be able to see when the boss is coming!
1. One of the inventions that Ivan Fletcher likes best is _____. 
A. the Fish Radio
B. the Butter Stick
C. the Watch Your Back Mirror
D. the Cat Seat Saver
2. You put the Duster Slippers _____.
A. on your pet's feet
B. on your feet
C. on your pet's head
D. on the floor
3. The Cat Seat Saver _____.
A. is a special mirror
B. is a chair for cats
C. looks like a real cat
C. collects dust from the floor
4. Why is the Fish Radio useful?
A. It is shaped like a fish.
B. It sings your favorite songs.
C. You can listen to it in the shower.
D. It is small enough to put in the bathroom.
题型:阅读理解  难度:偏难


1. B 2. A 3. C 4. C

据专家权威分析,试题“阅读理解。 Ivan Fletcher loves crazy inventions. He writes ..”主要考查你对  科教类阅读  等考点的理解。关于这些考点的“档案”如下:



  • 科普类的阅读:

  • 答题技巧:
    1. 加强整体意识,把握文章的主要内容。在阅读的时候可给段落标上序号,并给重要的句子和
    2. 审清题干,发觉和把握试题中有效的提示性信息,确认命题的角度、阅读范围和答题方式。
    3. 定位阅读,强化对应意识。同时要注意原文利用和自我加工相结合。
