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阅读理解。 Everybody has a home. People have homes.Animals have homes. People have many differentkinds of homes. Animals have different kinds of' homes, too-七年级英语

[db:作者]  2019-11-12 00:00:00  零零社区


     Everybody has a home. People have homes.Animals have homes. People have many different
kinds of homes. Animals have different kinds of' homes, too.
     Some animals live in holes under the ground. The woodchuck ( 土拨鼠) lives under the  ground. His
home has two doors.  If any enemy comesinto one door, the woodchuck goes out through the other. Some animals live in holes in trees. Some squirrels(松鼠)build their nests(窝)high in trees. Most of the
birds live in nests. Crows(乌鸦)build their nests high in the mountains.
1. People have______.
A.different kinds of mountains
B. holes
C. different kinds of homes
D. all kinds of trees
2. The passage is about______.
A. some trees
B. the homes of some animals
C. animals' life
D. different animals
3. ______live under the ground.
A. All the animals
B. The woodchuck and the squirrel
C. Some animals
D. somebirds
4. How many doors does the woodchuck have in his house?
A. One.B. Two.
C. Three.D. No one.
5. Animals' homes are______.
A. not the sameB. in trees
C. in holesD. the same
题型:阅读理解  难度:中档


1-5  CBCBA

据专家权威分析,试题“阅读理解。 Everybody has a home. People have homes.Animals..”主要考查你对  科教类阅读  等考点的理解。关于这些考点的“档案”如下:



  • 科普类的阅读:

  • 答题技巧:
    1. 加强整体意识,把握文章的主要内容。在阅读的时候可给段落标上序号,并给重要的句子和
    2. 审清题干,发觉和把握试题中有效的提示性信息,确认命题的角度、阅读范围和答题方式。
    3. 定位阅读,强化对应意识。同时要注意原文利用和自我加工相结合。
