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阅读理解。 Now there are many thousands of computers all around the world. Some of them are big and some of them are small. They are very useful . People can -七年级英语

[db:作者]  2019-11-12 00:00:00  互联网


     Now there are many thousands of computers all around the world. Some of them are big and some of them are
small.  They are very useful . People can use them to send and get e-mails,   look for   things on the Internet, play
computer games ... But in 1946 the first computer in the world cannot do these things. It is for calculating. It is as
big as a room! Only some scientists can use it. Some people say the first computer is in China. Why do they think
so? Because the first abacus(the oldest calculating machine) appeared much earlier in China than the big computer
in America.      
Notes: calculate 计算 scientist 科学家 abacus 算盘 appear 出现
1.What can people use the computer to do ?
2.Can the first computer do these thing in 1946?
3.What is the first computer used for?
4.Why do some people think the first computer is in China?
5.What do you think of it? Do you think the first  computer is in China ,too?
题型:阅读理解  难度:中档


1.People can use them to send and get e-mails, look for things on the Internet, play computer games .
2.No, it can't.  
3.It is used for calculating.  
4. Because the first abacus(the oldest calculating machine) appeared much earlier in China than the big
computer in America.  

据专家权威分析,试题“阅读理解。 Now there are many thousands of computers all aro..”主要考查你对  科教类阅读  等考点的理解。关于这些考点的“档案”如下:



  • 科普类的阅读:

  • 答题技巧:
    1. 加强整体意识,把握文章的主要内容。在阅读的时候可给段落标上序号,并给重要的句子和
    2. 审清题干,发觉和把握试题中有效的提示性信息,确认命题的角度、阅读范围和答题方式。
    3. 定位阅读,强化对应意识。同时要注意原文利用和自我加工相结合。
