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At 18, many American young people go off on their own. They go away to college or find full-time jobs, and they often pay for their own apartments. Some get ma-九年级英语

[db:作者]  2019-11-12 00:00:00  零零社区


At 18, many American young people go off on their own. They go away to college or find full-time jobs, and they often pay for their own apartments. Some get married and start families. This independence(独立) is learned from childhood.
From an early age, American children learn to do things by themselves. Children as young as 2 begin to put away their toys and dress themselves. At 3, many children do simple chores like setting the table.
Using money in the right way is also taught early. As soon as a child understands the value of money, he or she receives a weekly allowance. This is used for things the child wants, like toys or treats. The child can spend or save it, usually with little help or advice from parents. If the child wants more money, it must be earned by doing extra chores.
Children are taught early in life to think for themselves. They are allowed to make some decisions
and make mistakes. Failure often teaches more than success.
小题1:. Many young American people begin to live on themselves ________ .
A.at the age of eighteenB.from an early ageC.after they get marriedD.when they find jobs
小题2: An American child learns to ________ at the age of 2.
A. do a lot of chores  B. put on their own clothes     C. study for a test        D set the table
小题3: The underlined word “allowance” means ________ .
A.pocket moneyB.presentC.prizeD.toy
小题4: A child can get some more money by ________ .
A.understanding the value of moneyB.doing a lot of homework
C.reading a lot of booksD.doing some more chores
小题5: Which is NOT true according to the passage?
A.American children learn to be independent from an early age.
B.American children always use or save their money with the help of their mother.
C.American children are allowed to make some decisions and mistakes.
D.Failure is needed in children’s life as well as success.

题型:阅读理解  难度:偏易



小题1:A 细节题:从文章的第一句话At 18, many American young people go off on their own.看出美国年轻人18岁独立。
小题1:B 细节题:从文章的第二段第二句话Children as young as 2 begin to put away their toys and dress themselves.看出美国孩子2岁自己穿衣服。
小题1:A细节题:从文章的第三段第二句话As soon as a child understands the value of money, he or she receives a weekly allowance.看出这是零花钱。
小题1:D细节题:从文章的第三段的最后一句话If the child wants more money, it must be earned by doing extra chores.看出孩子可以做些零活挣零花钱。
小题1:B细节题:从文章的第三段的句子:The child can spend or save it, usually with little help or advice from parents.看出是在父母的帮助下花钱。不是仅仅母亲。

据专家权威分析,试题“At 18, many American young people go off on their own. They..”主要考查你对  政治经济类阅读  等考点的理解。关于这些考点的“档案”如下:



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