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阅读理解 How to greet people from a different country? Most people will say " Hello " or " Nice to meet you ".That's right. But greeting is never just th-九年级英语

[db:作者]  2019-11-12 00:00:00  零零社区


       How to greet people from a different country? Most people will say " Hello " or " Nice to meet
you ".  That's right. But greeting is never just that. To be both polite and friendly , you should know
something more.
        In most western countries, people usually shake hands when they meet. The British  only  say
" hello" when they see friends. That's why French people think the British are unfriendly and impolite.
They kiss friends on both cheeks(面颊) each time they meet and leave. How-ever, to Americans,
kiss is very strange between two male friends.
       When you come to Polynesia, you can take people's hands to touch your face. That's a way to
show friend-ship. In Canada, people rub noses when they meet friends. In Tibet, China, you should
bow and stick your tongue out. It shows you have no bad thoughts because you cannot curse(诅咒)
people when your tongue's out.
       Some of the ways above to greet people might be strange for you, but do remember: when in
Rome, do as the Romans do.
1. What can we infer from the first paragraph?   
A. The ways of greet people in different countries are different.
B. Most people like  to  say " Hello" than" Nice  to  meet you " .
C. "Hello" and'- Nice to meet you" are easy for people to remember.
D. There are some more greetings words except " Hello " or" Nice  to  meet  you " .
2. The underlined word" they" refers to ________ . 
A. Americans          
B. Chinese
C. British              
D. French
3. Canadians  ________  to show friendship when they meet friends.
A. take people's hands to touch their faces
B. rub noses 
C. stick tongues out
D. bow
4. In Tibet, China, people stick their tongues out to show ________.
A. they are unhappy
B. they have no bad thoughts
C. they want to curse others
D. they are excited
5. What's the best title for the passage? 
A. Greeting people in different countries
B. The differences  between" Hello" and " Nice to meet you "
C. Different customs in different countries
D. The polite and friendly way to greet people
题型:阅读理解  难度:中档


1-5 D D B B A

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