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阅读理解 World Laughter Day was started in Mumbai, India in 1998 by Dr. Marian Kataria, organizer of the worldwide LaughterYoga activity. The celebration of Wo-九年级英语

[db:作者]  2019-11-12 00:00:00  互联网


     World Laughter Day was started in Mumbai, India in 1998 by Dr. Marian Kataria, organizer of the worldwide Laughter
Yoga activity.
     The celebration of World Laughter Day is for world peace and is a plan to make good friends through laughter. Now
more and more people are joining the Laughter Yoga movement. On the 9th of January, 2000, more than 10,000 people
gathered in Denmark to celebrate the first World Laughter Day. It was very successful.
     World Laughter Day is now celebrated on the first Sunday of May every year. Hundreds of people all over the world
laugh together on that day. No one thinks that laughing doesn't make us feel good.
     Today, some people in the world still face peace. Laughter is a good way to deal with world problems. When different
groups laugh together, they can get along better, many difficult problems can become easier to solve ff people feel good.
     Laughter is a world language, which is the same in every country. We should believe that only laughter can bring the
world together and help people become good friends.
     The famous writer, Mark Twain said, "Mankind has only one really effective weapon(武器), and that is laughter."
1. World Laughter Day was started __________.
A. in 1998
B. in 2000
C. in America
D. in China
2. The celebration of the first World Laughter Day was held __________.
A. in India
B. in Denmark
C. in Mumbai
D. by Mark Twain
3. The meaning of the underlined sentence is __________.
A. laughing doesn't make us feel good
B. laughter makes us feel happy
C. nobody thinks it is good to laugh
D. everyone thinks it is good to laugh
4. The Laughter Yoga movement tells us __________.
A. laughter can stop war
B. people want to make the world peaceful
C. laughter is the best way to deal with world problems
D. laughter can bring the world together when people laugh together
5. What's the best title of the passage?
A. World Laughter Day
B. Successful laughter
C. The first World Laughter Day
D. The celebration of World Laughter Day
题型:阅读理解  难度:中档



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