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某学校的心理咨询老师对来访的五位学生出现的问题提出了有交往的建议(A~E)。请将这些问题与建议配对。 ( )1. I'm easy to have a cold because of the changeable(多变的)-八年级英语

[db:作者]  2019-11-12 00:00:00  互联网


(     )1. I'm easy to have a cold because of the changeable(多变的) weather. If I'm ill, I have to take
            medicine. I hate taling medicine and I'm unhappy.
(     )2. I argued with my best friend yesterday. I'm angry and disappointed. Should we go on to be
            friends with each other or end the friendship between us?
(     )3. I love painting but my parents let me join the guitar club. I try my best to practice the guitar
            but I can't play it well. I want to study painting.
(     )4. I can't remember English words. My problem is: If I learn a word today. I'll forget it tomorrw.
           I'm very upset because I have a bad memory.
(     )5. I'm getting fatter and fatter. I'm so fat that I have to rest after a few walks. How can I lost my
A. If you are really interested in painting, you should tell your parents about it. You can tell them you
     will make much progress in painting because "Interest is the best teacher".
B. I think you should eat less meat, more fruit and vegetables. And you should do exercise every day.
    It can help lose wight and make you healthy.
C. I think you could have a good talk with your friend. If you are right, you should let your friend know
     why he is wrong. If you're wrong, you should say sorry to your friend. Don't end the friendship
     between you.
D. Why not try your best to take more exercise? It's good for yourhealth. If you are strong enough, the
     lilness will be away from you.
E. A good way to remember English words is to read English stories every day. If you do, you'll
    remember English words well.
题型:阅读理解  难度:偏难


1-5: DCAEB

据专家权威分析,试题“某学校的心理咨询老师对来访的五位学生出现的问题提出了有交往的..”主要考查你对  日常生活类阅读  等考点的理解。关于这些考点的“档案”如下:



  • 日常生活类阅读:
