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阅读理解。 Early rising is helpful in more than one way.First, it helps us to have good health. We all need fresh air. It makes our health better to take morn-九年级英语

[db:作者]  2019-11-12 00:00:00  零零社区


      Early rising is helpful in more than one way.
      First, it helps us to have good health. We all need fresh air. It makes our health better to take morning
exercises. The air is never so fresh as early in the morning.
      Early rising helps us in our studies. In the morning we learn more quickly and find it easy to learn something
by heart.
      Early rising makes people able to plan the work for the day. We can't work well without a good plan. Just as
the plan for the year should be made in the spring, the plan for a day should be made in the morning.
      Early rising gives us enough time to get ready for our work, such as to wash our hands and eat our
      So the popular saying says, "Early to bed and early to rise makes a man healthy, wealthy and wise."
1. What does "early rising" mean? It means _______ early in the morning.

[     ]

A. waking up
B. getting up
C. have breakfast
D. making a day's plan
2. Why does the passage advise us to take exercises early in the morning?

[     ]

A. Because we can save much time.
B. Because we are not busy in the morning.
C. Because air in the morning is very fresh.
D. Because we don't need to prepare for breakfast.
3. We can work well with _______.

[     ]

A. enough time
B. a good reading
C. clean hands
D. a good plan
题型:阅读理解  难度:偏难


1-3: BCD

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