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完形填空。history, choose, common, buy, make, enjoy, way, another, while, serveAmerican summers are filled with outdoor picnics, baseball games and swimming pool-九年级英语

[db:作者]  2019-11-12 00:00:00  零零社区


history,  choose,  common,  buy,  make,  enjoy,  way,  another,  while,  serve
     American summers are filled with outdoor picnics, baseball games and swimming pools. Summer
in America is a time 1_______ the outdoors, no matter how hot it might be. Let's take a look at some of the
popular drinks.
     Lemonade is 2_______ of all American summer drinks. It 3_______ by mixing lemon juice, water and sugar.
It is usually served very cold, with ice. Ice tea is 4_______ popular summer drink in America. Ice tea is usually
5_______ in a tall glass of ice. Many Americans 6_______ to add sugar to sweeten the drink. This drink is often
drunk in the afternoon 7_______ relaxing in the shade.
     Ice tea is now also sold by the bottle, at almost any store in America.
     The Slurpee, a famous American drink in recent years, is a great 8_______ to cool off in the summer heat. It
is a mix of ice, sugar and fruit juices. However, the drink is mostly made of ice. They can 9_______ at most
small convenient stores. Slurpees are popular with young Americans.
     Milkshakes have a long 10_______ in America. It is made of a mix of ice cream, milk and flavoring.
题型:填空题  难度:中档


1. to enjoy  2. the commonest   3. is made   4. another   5. served
6. choose  7. while   8. way   9. be bought   10. history

据专家权威分析,试题“完形填空。history, choose, common, buy, make, enjoy, way, an..”主要考查你对  日常生活类阅读  等考点的理解。关于这些考点的“档案”如下:



  • 日常生活类阅读:
