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完形填空。 Robby was 11 years old when his mother sent him to have his first piano lesson. I prefer that students begin at an earlier age, but Robby said1 had a-九年级英语

[db:作者]  2019-11-12 00:00:00  互联网


     Robby was 11 years old when his mother sent him to have his first piano lesson. I prefer that students
begin at an earlier age, but Robby said  1  had always been his mother's dream to hear him play the
piano. So I took him on  2   my student.
     Although Robby tried very hard,  3  he was not good at music. However, he continued and  4  the end of
each weekly lesson he'd always say: "My mom is going to hear me play someday." But it
seemed hopeless. He didn't have a talent for music.
     One day, Robby stopped  5  to our lessons. He told me that his mom had been sick and unable to
take him to piano lessons, but he was still practicing. He asked  6   he could take part in my concert
and I agreed.
     The night of the concert came. The high school gym  7  with parents, friends and relatives. The concert
was going well. Then Robby came up on the stage, and began to play the piano.
     He played  8   well that everyone was on their feet, clapping (鼓掌) excitedly. In tears, I ran up on
the stage, "Oh, Robby!  9  did you do it?".
     "Well, Miss Green…remember I told you my mom was sick? Well, actually she had cancer and died this
morning. And well…she was born deaf, so tonight was the  10  time she ever heard me play the piano.
I wanted to make it special.
(     )1. A. it   
(     )2. A. with 
(     )3. A. and  
(     )4. A. in   
(     )5. A. come 
(     )6. A. why  
(     )7. A. packed
(     )8. A. so   
(     )9. A. Why  
(     )10. A. good
B. it's     
B. for      
B. but      
B. by       
B. to come  
B. if       
B. was packed
B. such     
B. How      
B. better   
C. that      
C. in        
C. /         
C. to        
C. coming    
C. when      
C. were packed
C. very      
C. What      
C. best      
D. he    
D. as    
D. so    
D. at    
D. came  
D. how   
D. packing
D. quite                                          
D. When  
D. worst 
题型:完形填空  难度:中档


1-5    ADCDC      6-10    BBABC

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