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阅读理解。 Most people want to make friends. And the following steps may help you.Be friendly. You need to be friendly so that people feel good when they are -八年级英语

[db:作者]  2019-11-12 00:00:00  互联网


     Most people want to make friends. And the following steps may help you.
     Be friendly. You need to be friendly so that people feel good when they are with you. You should often use
body language to make them know that you are friendly. Smile and laugh often.
     Be a good listener. Listen carefully when people are talking, remember important things about them (their
names, their likes and dislikes), and just take time to learn more about them.
     The steps above are useful for making new friends. But how about making lifelong (毕生的) friends?
     Be trustworthy (可信赖的). The key to being a good friend is to keep secrets (秘密). If other people ask
you to keep something a secret, you should not tell anyone else about it. When you say you'll do something,
be sure to do it.
     Be there. If a friend needs help, or if he or she just need a shoulder (肩膀) to cry on, be there.
1. Smiling and laughing is a best way to show that you are _____ others.
A. friendly to
B. interested in
C. happy with
2. A good listener can _____ information.
A. talk with others and learn useful
B. listen carefully and ask about
C. listen carefully and remember useful
3. If you _____, you will lose this friend.
A. don't smile or laugh to your friend
B. tell your friend's secret to others
C. don't listen to your friend carefully .
4. "Be there" probably means "_____".
A. Go there
B. Stay there
C. Be ready to help
5. The best title (题目) probable be "_____".
A. How to make friends
B. How to know friends
C. How to show yourself
题型:阅读理解  难度:中档



据专家权威分析,试题“阅读理解。 Most people want to make friends. And the follow..”主要考查你对  日常生活类阅读  等考点的理解。关于这些考点的“档案”如下:



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