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完形填空。 Father: For the last time, you cannot have your ears pierced. I don't want to talk about it1 . Son:But, Dad, all the other guys (哥们儿)… Father:-八年级英语

[db:作者]  2019-11-12 00:00:00  互联网


     Father: For the last time, you cannot have your ears pierced. I don't want to talk about it   1  .   
     Son: But, Dad, all the other guys (哥们儿)…   
     Father: I don't care about"all the other guys." I don't care   2   they do or don't do. That's up to them
 and their   3   . I care about you. And you cannot have your ears pierced (make a hole in one's ear), and that's
  4  . The subject is closed. Now go do your homework.   
     Son:   But, Dad, I just want to have   5   ear pierced.   
     Father: That's the most ridiculous thing I have ever heard of! Piercing just   6   ! That's crazy! People will
   7     you're crazy! I think you've lost your mind.   
     Son: It's not crazy. It's the style (风格), Dad. All the guys have just one ear pierced. That's the   8   it's
done. It's cool, Dad. Sometimes they have three or four holes in one ear ―   9    in just one ear. It looks
great! I want to be in style. I want to be like the other guys.   
     Father:  Stop here. Just   10   it ― and go do your homework. If you spent as much time thinking about
math as you do about earrings, you would be at the top of your class.
(     )1. A. at all
(     )2. A. what 
(     )3. A. friends
(     )4. A. you  
(     )5. A. an  
(     )6. A. one ear
(     )7. A. speak 
(     )8. A. way  
(     )9. A. and  
(     )10. A. do  
B. much further 
B. which        
B. teachers  
B. them    
B. one        
B. one hole  
B. talk    
B. road    
B. but        
B. remember  
C. any more 
C. how      
C. families 
C. him    
C. the     
C. two ears 
C. say    
C. style    
C. or      
C. forget 
D. too much      
D. why              ?
D. parents        
D. it           
D. my              ?
D. two holes     
D. tell          
D. kind          ?
D. so             
D. leave                         
题型:完形填空  难度:中档


1-5: CADDB  6-10: BCABC

据专家权威分析,试题“完形填空。 Father: For the last time, you cannot have your e..”主要考查你对  日常生活类阅读  等考点的理解。关于这些考点的“档案”如下:



  • 日常生活类阅读:
