阅读理解。 |
Jim is a high school student. He lives near the corner of Parkway and Center. His baseball glove is so old that he is shopping for a new one. He wants to know where he can get a good glove at a good price. so, he checks the newspaper for sale ads. Jim sees that baseball gloves are on sale at several Pay-Lite stores.
![](http://www.00-edu.com/d/file/ks/4/2/richangshenghuoleiyuedu/2019-11-15/9ab42cb6111ce2b9adeaf6fbba7c550c.gif) |
1. There are ______ Pay-Lite stores listed in the ad. |
A. two B. six C. seven |
2. Jim can call ______ and make sure if the nearest store has the glove he wants. |
A. 64l-3139 B. 575-0510 C. 784-1230 |
3. He can shop for the glove at a good price if he gets to the store ______. |
A. at 8 am, April 20 B. at 9 pm, May 20 C. at 10 am, May 19 |
4. The baseball glove is used for ______. |
A. catching balls B. keeping warm C. running |
5. We can guess that Jim must be a boy who likes to ______. |
A. go shopping B. play baseball C. wear gloves |
题型:阅读理解 难度:中档
据专家权威分析,试题“阅读理解。 Jim is a high school student. He lives near the ..”主要考查你对 日常生活类阅读 等考点的理解。关于这些考点的“档案”如下: