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完形填空。Ten children from around the world become the universal dream kids (国际儿童之星)1of them are from China. They are Liu Danyang from Hubei and He Siqi -七年级英语

[db:作者]  2019-11-12 00:00:00  零零社区



     Ten children from around the world become the universal dream kids (国际儿童之星)  1  of them
are from China. They are Liu Danyang from Hubei and He Siqi from Yunnan.    
      He Siqi is a  2  girl from the Naxi ethic group (纳西族). She  3  her spare time learning Naxi language. It's an old  4 . Many kids at her age don't speak it. She can speak it, read and  5  old Naxi characters
(文字). "I like to learn it. I should pass it on (传承). I  6  also help the travelers to my hometown," she
says. Look! She  7  her classmates old Naxi characters.    
      Liu Danyang is 11 years old. He can't hear well.   8  he is a happy and warm-hearted boy.  9  
some classmates like him in his class. When his classmates have troubles (困难),  He likes to help them.
He is  10  painting. He is a good painter in his classmates' eyes.
(     )1. A. Three          
(     )2. A. 14-year-old    
(     )3. A. takes          
(     )4. A. country        
(     )5. A. write          
(     )6. A. could          
(     )7. A. is teaching    
(     )8. A. And            
(     )9. A. There          
(     )10. A. is thinking of
B. Third        
B. 14 years old
B. pays        
B. language    
B. sing        
B. may          
B. is writing  
B. So          
B. There have  
B. good at      
C. Two        
C. 14-year old
C. spends      
C. city        
C. draw        
C. have to    
C. teaches    
C. Because    
C. There has  
C. waiting for
D. Second      
D. 14-years old
D. costs        
D. sport        
D. study                                      
D. had to      
D. writes      
D. But          
D. There are    
D. bad for      
题型:完形填空  难度:中档


1-5    CACBA     6-10   CADDB

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