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附加题,任务型阅读。 A strange restaurant called Dalu Robot Restaurant openedin Jinan on December 13th, 2010. It is strange because thewaiters there are most ro-八年级英语

[db:作者]  2019-11-12 00:00:00  互联网


    A strange restaurant called Dalu Robot Restaurant  openedin Jinan on December 13th, 2010. It is
strange because thewaiters there are most robots.And it is the first robot restaurant in China.  
    There are six robots working in thisrestaurant. Two of them send food and drinksfor people, two of
them take care of thecustomers and the other two give theirperformances to customers. They can take
careof about 100 customers at the same time.  
    The 21 tables are set in circles and therobots follow a fixed route to serve diners inrotation (轮流).  
After  serving,  the  robotsreturn to the kitchen to refill their carts for thenext round.    
    These robot waiters are from Dalu ComputerCompany. This company has designed(设计) many
    Wang Changyi, Head Chef of Dalu RobotRestaurant, said, "These robots work well inthe restaurant,
and people like them, becausethey can give better service than real people.Humans can be impatient.
But these robotsdon't get tired, they just keep working andmoving round and round. And customers
won'tbe shy to order things again and again. " "Therewill be more than 40 robots working in ourrestaurant
later. "
1. What do the robots do after serving?
2. How many customers can the robots take  care of at the same time?
3. Why do people like robots in the restaurant?
4. Choose the meaning of the underlined word  "impatient".    
A. 不疲劳的    
B. 不热情的
C. 无耐心的    
D. 不害羞的
5. Translate the underlined sentence into Chinese.
题型:阅读理解  难度:偏难


1. After serving. the robots return to the kitchen to refill their carts for the next round.(答案不唯一)
2. They can take care of about 100  customers at the same time.(答案不唯一)
3.  Because robots can give better service than real people. And customers won't he shy to order things again and again.(答案不唯一)
4. C

据专家权威分析,试题“附加题,任务型阅读。 A strange restaurant called Dalu Robot ..”主要考查你对  日常生活类阅读  等考点的理解。关于这些考点的“档案”如下:



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