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阅读下面五段文字,找出能代表本段主题的最佳选项 。( ) 1.I've got a collection of terrible "mistakes" at the back of my wardrobe(衣柜) ,which I never wear! But -九年级英语

[db:作者]  2019-11-12 00:00:00  零零社区


阅读下面五段文字  ,找出能代表本段主题的最佳选项 。
(     ) 1.  I've got a collection of terrible  "mistakes"  at  the  back  of  my wardrobe(衣柜) ,which I never
wear! But I don't mind going with my girlfriend, because she helps me choose.  I think women are better
at buying clothes than men.They've got better taste and they always know what's fashion.
(     ) 2.  You shouldn't be afraid of her.  Maybe she's just  as  shy  as  you.  What  about giving her a red
rose and a short message? Say somcthing like this: "I'd really like  to  know you but I don't know how. "
She'Il probably bc excited to know she's got a fan!
(     ) 3.  Jane usually travcls  for  2  hours  at most  and then shc can have  a  rest of  at  lcast 3 hours. She
meets a lot of interesting people from  all  over  the  world. She  says  she likes it because she doesn't have
to work full-timc so she can spend more time with our three children and me.
(     ) 4. When Mrs Poor got into  the lift.  she  was carrying  only  a  handbag. After  few seconds, the lift
stopped bn floors. She shouted and shouted. and rang the alarm (警报). But nobody heard her.
(     ) 5. I've known her for four years and l really like her. But she always copies everything I do.  lf I buy
some new clothes. the next day she'll go out and buy exactly the same ones. It's the same with music.
films, even my friends! What should I do?
A. Talking about shopping          
B.  Getting intc
C.Takling about one's problems      
D. Talking about one's job
E. Giving suggestions
题型:阅读理解  难度:中档


1--5 AEDBC

据专家权威分析,试题“阅读下面五段文字,找出能代表本段主题的最佳选项 。( ) 1.I've..”主要考查你对  日常生活类阅读  等考点的理解。关于这些考点的“档案”如下:



  • 日常生活类阅读:
