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阅读理解 。 There were two Mc Donalds-Mac and Dick-and they were brothers.In 1948 they owned a restaurant in California.They liked working in the restaurant,bu-八年级英语

[db:作者]  2019-11-12 00:00:00  互联网


阅读理解 。
     There were two Mc Donalds-Mac and Dick-and they were brothers.In 1948 they owned a
restaurant in California.They liked working in the restaurant,but they got tired of the customers (顾客)
ordering so many different things to eat.?
     "If we gave customers a smaller menu (菜谱), we could make some of the food before they came,
and they wouldn't have to wait so long for their meals,"said one of the brothers.The other brother agreed
and said,"And if we made the customers come to the counter (柜台), we wouldn't need any waiters or
waitresses.We could also use plastic plates so there wouldn't be any washingup."?
     These were such good ideas that the McDonald brothers used them,and the customers were very
pleased.They got their meals very quickly-in less than a minute-and they paid only 15 cents (分) for
hamburgers (汉堡包) and 10 cents for fries (油炸食品). The first McDonald's restaurant had no seats
for customers to sit on.This meant that people had to take their food away,and that no one had to clean
up any tables after them.?
     Then a man called Ray Kroc came to the brothers and asked to buy their business.They agreed to
sell it to him for $27 million.After that,people paid Ray Kroc to open their own restaurants using the
McDonald's name and menu.Before long,there were McDonald's restaurants all over the United States,
and nowadays,they are all over the world-even in China and Russia.The most successful McDonald's
business is in Hong Kong of China.The Hong Kong McDonald's sells more hamburgers every day than
any other McDonald's anywhere else in the world.?
     McDonald's restaurants are so successful because children love going to them.They like the food,and
they like the toys and games they can get at McDonald's.?
1. The McDonald brothers offered (提供) customers fewer kinds of foods so that              .
A. they didn't need waiters or waitresses
B. they could use plastic plates
C. customers would get their meals quickly
D. customers would pay less
2. Customers"paid only 15 cents for hamburgers"means the hamburgers were              .
A. expensive
B. cheap
C. new
D. old
3. The first McDonald's customers took their food away because              .
A. they wanted to eat it quickly
B. they did not want a large menu
C. there were no seats in the restaurant
D. they wanted to eat at home
4. Nowadays,the owners of McDonald's restaurants pay for              .
A. the McDonald's name and menu
B. children to play games
C. people to take the food away
D. customers to eat quickly
5. This story mainly tells us              .
A. a restaurant in California in 1948.
B. how Ray Kroc made money for the McDonald brothers
C. where McDonld's restaurants are in the world
D. how the McDonald's business started and grew
题型:阅读理解  难度:中档



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