书面表达。 |
请根据下面中文内容要点,用英语写一篇日记,简要叙述自己观看8月15日雅典奥运会中国男子 篮球队与西班牙男子篮球队比赛的感想。词数80左右。 内容要点: 1.比赛前,认为西班牙队是一只好球队,但中国队有像姚明这样的优秀运动员,相信中国队一定 会赢。 2.令人感到惊讶的是,中国队在比赛中虽全力拼搏,但由于队员合作不佳,最终以58比83输给西 班牙队。 3.认为如果中国多一些像姚明这样的优秀运动员,中国篮球队一定会成为世界强队。 |
题型:写作题 难度:偏难
Sunday, August 15 Today was the second day of the Athens Ol3qnpic Games. There was a basketball match between China and Spain. Before the match, I thought Spain was a good team; but the Chinese team had Yao Ming who is an excellent player. I was sure the Chinese team would win the match. To my surprise, though Clam's players tried their best. In the game, they lost the game because of their bad teamwork. The Spanish team beat the Chinese team 83-58. I think ff China has more basketball players like Yao Ming, the Chinese basketball team will be one of the strongest in the world. |
据专家权威分析,试题“书面表达。 请根据下面中文内容要点,用英语写一篇日记,简要叙述..”主要考查你对 提纲作文 等考点的理解。关于这些考点的“档案”如下: