请以“My community centre”为题,介绍你家所在的社区的一些情况。要点提示: 1.我住在人民路城市花园小区。小区周围有超市、饭馆、一所学校和一所医院等。2.这里的邻居很友好和乐于助人。其中一些是志愿者,他们经常在社区中心集中并分享各种不同的技能,他们能帮助人们解决各种问题。3.在周末,他们会召开援助会议,然后帮助人们检查电脑、修理自行车。有时也去看望老年人,帮助他们打扫房间或购物。4.谈谈你对住在这个社区中心的感想。 |
题型:写作题 难度:中档
One possible version: I live in a neighbourhood in City Garden in Remain Road. Around it there are supermarkets, restaurants, a school and a hospital. The neighbours here are very kind and helpful. Some of them are volunteers. They often meet at the community center and share their different skills. They can help people with all kinds of problems. At the weekend they usually have a “helping hands” meeting. Then they help people check their computers or fix their bicycles. Sometimes they also visit old people and help them do some shopping or clean their flats. I think we’re lucky to live in a neighbourhood like this. |
试题分析:写作要抓住要点。初一的作文着重考察学生连词成句的能力,要在“准”字上下功夫。在写作中注意人称与谓语动词的数关系和动词时态等诸多方面。在平时的练习中,注意多背诵范文,对于写的好的句子要进行默写,这样在写作时就能写出准确地道的作文。 【亮点说明】本文的写作首先社区中心的人们的一些活动进行描写。然后,用简洁的语言来表达义工们有时去看望老人(visit the old),帮助他们打扫房间(clean the rooms)或是购物(go shopping),有时陪老人们聊天(chat with them)等活动。最后,表达自己对社区中心的评价或感想。I think we’re lucky to live in a neighbourhood like this. |
据专家权威分析,试题“请以“My community centre”为题,介绍你家所在的社区的一些情况。..”主要考查你对 提纲作文 等考点的理解。关于这些考点的“档案”如下: