Find This Boy _________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________
题型:写作题 难度:偏难
His name is Tom. He is only five years old. He has a big round face, short hair, big eyes, a small nose and a small mouth. He is in a red cap, a yellow T-shirt, black pants and blue shoes. If anyone finds this boy, please call 88866542. (答案不唯一)
写好看图作文要注意以下几个方面: 1. 看图作文通常有一定得提示,所以在动笔前一定要通读提示,弄懂写作要求,如时间、地点、 人物、事件发生地的先后顺序等。 2. 图画是作文的依据,要仔细观察分析图画的画面,弄清画面所反映的真实内涵或蕴含的某种哲理。 3. 找出图中事物之间的内在联系。如果多幅图画,就要分析画与画之间的内在联系及画中人物、 事物之间的逻辑联系。要根据画面情景展开联想。 4. 反复阅读所给的关键词,并以此为线索从中悟出试题设计者要阐述的中心思想。 常用句型: ①I was walking in a park when…happened. ② I find it hard for me to… ③ In my opinion, I think… ④ The picture tells us…