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How good projects growARE you interested in project(项目,课题) and want to have a good one? Well, that doesn’t come easily. You need to do the following task-九年级英语

[db:作者]  2019-11-15 00:00:00  零零社区


How good projects grow
  ARE you interested in project(项目,课题) and want to have a good one? Well, that doesn’t come easily. You need to do the following tasks:
  TALK: You and your classmates discuss in detail(详细地) all that you would like to do to realize (实现)your project.
  WRITE: One of your classmates acts as (担任)secretary(秘书) . He or she keeps full notes as your group discusses. Later he or she will sort (整理)your ideas to make them better.
PLAN: With the secretary’s notes, your group makes a list of everything you’ll need and who will get, do or research what.  
DO: Each group member gets, does and researches something on the list. Your group puts together all you have found and tried to make the project more well-organized. You prepare (准备)to present(展示) it in class.
  SHOW: You and your classmates show the world the result of your hard work.
Knowing all the above , you may want to try a project. Why not start with this: you can find out more about the history of your city. What did it look like? Which famous people lived there?
To grow good projects
  Discuss everything 小题1:____.
  The secretary should 小题2:___ while you are discussing.
  小题3:__ of your needs and make everyone’s task clear.
  Do the research work and make the project 小题4:__.
  Show 小题5:__ to the world.

题型:完形填空  难度:中档


小题1:in details/ carefully
小题2:keep full notes
小题3:Make a list
小题4:more well-organized
小题5:the results

小题1:细节理解题。根据文中内容You and your classmates discuss in detail和你的同学仔细地讨论,故填in details/ carefully。
小题2:细节理解题。根据文中内容He or she keeps full notes as your group discusses.他或者她在你们小组讨论时,要充分做笔记。故填keep full notes。
小题3:细节理解题。根据文中内容your group makes a list of everything you’ll need你们小组列个你们需求清单,故填make a list。
小题4:细节理解题。根据文中内容tried to make the project more well-organized努力使这个项目更好的组织起来。故填more well-organized。
小题5:细节理解题。根据文中内容You and your classmates show the world the result of your hard work.你和你的同学们向世界展示你们辛苦劳动的成果。故填the results。

据专家权威分析,试题“How good projects growARE you interested in project(项目,课..”主要考查你对  问答题  等考点的理解。关于这些考点的“档案”如下:



  • 问答题:

  • 要做好这类题,就要注意平时知识的积累,包括单词、词组、句型等。
