周末,我和朋友们除了进行一些娱乐活动外,还参观了博物馆,看到了许多发明…… |
A. telescopes B. listening to music C. microwave ovens D. useful E. watching movies F. taking photos G. computers H. boring I. TV | 1. Last weekend, we enjoyed B, . 2. The inventions that we saw were __________________. 3. We thought the inventions were ____________________. (B)回答问题。 4. What would you like to invent if you can and why? I would like _____________ because __________. |
题型:多选题 难度:中档
(A)1. B,E,F 2. A,C,G,I 3. D,H (B)4. to invent a machine which can do housework because I have no time to do housework. (B)答案不唯一 |
据专家权威分析,试题“周末,我和朋友们除了进行一些娱乐活动外,还参观了博物馆,看到..”主要考查你对 单词、词组,问答题 等考点的理解。关于这些考点的“档案”如下:
考点名称:单词、词组 考点名称:问答题