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Life in Xinjiang

  2020-06-15 00:00:00  

Life in Xinjiang 本书特色


Life in Xinjiang 作者简介

索尼娅,法国哲学与认知学博士,法国艺术文化管理学院教学研究中心研究员,曾任哲学杂志主编、企业顾问。多次到访西藏、新疆 甘肃等地,著有《政教分离》、《巴黎-莫斯科-北京》、《在新疆生活》等书。 Doctor of Philosophy and Epistemology (PhD). Consultant in communication & strategy, ethics and digital / Speaker, teacher-researcher in several schools and universities. She created the company of philosophy and strategy Bressler Conseil (in 2011).Placing philosophy at the heart of her approach, she chose to confront it in the field, to jostle it up to raise geostrategic issues.From traveling to traveling, she based her expertise on understanding cultures and especially listening to them. By dint of confrontation, she has established new reflections on the communication of influence, the issues of languages and territories (sometimes even imaginary). She has developed a data-philosophy in favor of human rights. It places ethics and the appropriation of datas at the heart of a metamorphosis of our social system.Since December 2017, she has created the publishing house, La Route de la Soie-Éditions, whose main objective is to create links between cultures.

Life in Xinjiang
