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  2020-06-15 00:00:00  

西厢记故事(阿)/中国四大名剧系列 本书特色

由顾伟光等编译的《西厢记》是中国古典戏曲名著,作者王实甫通过张生和莺莺两位主人公曲折的爱情故事,揭露了封建礼教对青年男女自由恋爱的压制和打击,并通过他们的结合,颂扬了愿天下有情人都成眷属的进步理想。作为剧本,它与《牡丹亭》、《长生殿》、《桃花扇》一起被誉为“四大名剧”,它们体现了我国古代戏剧作品的*成就。 Since the appearance of this play The Romance of the Western Chamber in the thirteenth century, it has enjoyed unparalleled popularity. The play has given rise to innumerable sequels, parodies, and rewritings; it has influenced countless later plays, short stories, and novels and has played a crucial role in the development of drama criticism. The theme of the drama is an attack on feudal mores, supporting the longing of young people in those days for freedom of marriage, although it follows the timeworn pattern of a gifted scholar and a beautiful lady falling in love at first sight. This book, with plain words, intends to help foreign readers understand the story and appreciate classic Chinese opera.

西厢记故事(阿)/中国四大名剧系列 内容简介


