大学英语基本技能训练(上) 内容简介
大学英语基本技能训练(上) 目录
Unit 1 1. Words to learn /1 2. Structure /4 3. Spot dictation /6 4. Close reading /7
Unit 2 1. Words to learn /11 2. Structure /14 3. Spot dictation /16 4. Close reading /17
Unit 3 1. Words to learn /21 2. Structure /24 3. Spot dictation /26 4. Close reading /28
Unit 4 1. Words to learn /32 2. Structure /35 3. Spot dictation /37 4. Close reading /38
Unit 5 1. Words to learn /42 2. Structure /45 3. Spot dictation /47 4. Close reading /49
Unit 6 1. Words to learn /53 2. Structure /57 3. Spot dictation /59 4. Close reading /61
Unit 7 1. Words to learn /65 2. Structure /69 3. Spot dictation /71 4. Close reading /73
Unit 8 1. Words to learn /77 2. Structure /80 3. Spot dictation /83 4. Close reading /85
Unit 9 1.Words to learn/89 2.Structure/93 3.Spot dictation/96 4.Close reading/97
Unit 10 1.Words to learn/102 2.Structure/105 3.Spot dictation/108 4.Close reading/109
Unit 11 1.Words to learn/1 14 2.Structure/117 3.Spot dictation/119 4.Close reading/121
Unit 12 1.Words to learn/126 2.Structure/128 3.Spot dictation/130 4.Close reading/132
Unit 13 1.Words to learn/136 2.Structure/139 3.Spot dictation/141 4.Close reading/143
Unit 14 1.Words to learn/147 2.Structure/150 3.Spot dictation/152 4.Close reading/154
Unit 15 1.Words to learn/159 2.Structure/163 3.Spot dictation/165 4.Close reading/166 词汇100题自测/171 参考答案/180