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  2020-06-15 00:00:00  

新视角基础英语-下 内容简介


新视角基础英语-下 目录

Unit 1 Fashion
Text A Jeans and Sneakers, My Personal Style
Text B You Are What You Wear
Oral Communication
Grammar Review
Chinese Version
Key to Exercises

Unit 2 Housing
Text A Living Off Campus
Text B Elsie's Home Buying Story
Oral Communication
Written Communication
Chinese Version
Key to Exercises

Unit 3 Traffic
Text A Just How Close to Commercial Reality Is a Self-Driving Car?
Text B Taking the Bus
Oral Communication
Grammar Review
Chinese Version
Key to Exercises

Unit 4 Tourism
Text A How to Blend in with Locals When You Travel
Text B Is It Better to Go on Holiday with Family, Friends, or Alone?
Oral Communication
Written Communication
Chinese Version
Key to Exercises

Unit 5 Entertainment
Text A 3-D or Not 3-D? That Is the Question
Text B Am I Addieted to Smartphone?
Oral Communication
Grammar Review
Chinese Version
Key to Exercises

Unit 6 Personality
Text A Everybody Has One
Text B "Dog People" and "Cat People".
Oral Communieation
Written Communication
Chinese Version
Key to Exercises

Unit 7 Values
Text A Using Your Values to Make Deeisions
Text B IfIWere aBoyAgain
Oral Communication
Grammar Review
Chinese Version
Key to Exercises

Unit 8 Creativity
Text A Graffiti: Art or Vandalism?
Text B Creativity at Festivals
Oral Communieation
Written Communieation
Chinese Version
Key to Exercises

Unit 9 Welfare
Text A What Is a Welfare State?
Text B Charity Shops
Oral Communication
Grammar Review
Chinese Version
Key to Exercises

Unit 10 Media
Text A TED Talks——Ideas Worth Spreading
Text B Should E-readers Replace Books?
Oral Communication
Written Communication
Chinese Version
Key to Exercises

Unit 11 Globalization
Text A Global Education——Witness the New Face of Education
Text B Identity Theft: The New Global Crisis
Oral Communication
Grammar Review
Chinese Version
Key to Exercises

Unit 12 Harmony
Text A What Are the Main Characteristics of a Harmonious Society?
Text B Creating a World of Perfect Harmony
Oral Communication
Written Communication
Chinese Version

Key to Exercises 新视角基础英语-下
