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  2020-06-15 00:00:00  

人民至上/中国南水北调移民纪实 本书特色


人民至上/中国南水北调移民纪实 内容简介


人民至上/中国南水北调移民纪实 目录

Introduction: I Am the Descendent of Migrants
Part Ⅰ The Country of Rivers
Chapter 1 River Disasters
Rivers in My Home
Drought Disasters in the History of China
Imbalanced Water Distribution
Sandstorms Blowing Southwards
Praying for Rainfall
Floods along the Yangtze River
Confluence of the Han and Dan Rivers
Chapter 2 Dream of Rivers
Mao Zedong's Thoughts on Rivers
Danjiangkou Water Conservancy Project
Dreams and Actions
The County Most Affected by Relocation
Chapter 3 Descendants of Rivers
The First Sight of the Yellow River
Weeping Han and Dan Rivers
Where Are the Homes for the Migrants?
Chapter 4 Dwelling by Rivers
Relocation to Dachaihu
A New Home
A Major Challenge
Part Ⅱ En Route
Chapter 5 Relocation of Migrants
Focus of State Leadership
Settle the Issue of Relocation in a Single Move
Offering Hope to Migrants
Follow-up on Relocation
Chapter 6 Past and Present of New Policies on Relocation
Instructions by the Minister of Water Resources
Urgent! Revision to the Regulations
Features of Revised Regulations on Relocations
Preferential Policies for Migrants
Higher Standards of Compensation for Relocation
Chapter 7 Prelude to the Great Relocation
Preparations for Relocation
Part Ⅲ Great Relocation
Chapter 8 Mission for the Central Plain
Finishing a Four-year Program within Two Years
Issuing the Program
Eight Measures
Chapter 9 The Charms of Huhei Province
Entering Huanghu
A Major Issue
Hubei Model
Part Ⅳ Soul and Flesh
Chapter 10 The Origin of Iron Backbone
Public Agitation
Director of the Bureau of Relocation
On-site Interviews
A Gathering of Outstanding People
Chapter 11 Faith in the Hart River
The Last Day in the Life of Liu Zhiqing
The Bereaved Family
An Account by a Female Cadre Born in the 1980s
Part Ⅴ Farewell to the Home Town
Chapter 12 Reluctant Departures
Family Reunion on the Dragon Boat Festival
The Old Street, Old Well and Old Courtyard
Relocation of Graves and the Posthumous Letter
Supper, Love and the Last Glass of Wine
The Last Class and Erhu Music
Part Ⅵ A Home of the Heart
Chapter 13 A Visit to Dachaihu
Dachaihu Today
Entrepreneurship in Dachaihu
Chapter 14 The Beginning of Happiness
Satisfying New Home
Fragrance from a Feast of Fish
Expected Harvest
Outlook of Yaowan Village
Lingering Sounds
Reunion of Lovers
The Youngest Emigrant
Epilogue: Return to Home

人民至上/中国南水北调移民纪实 作者简介

   A member of the China Writers Association andthe Chinese Reportage Association, a journalistfor China Water Resources, and an adjunctprofessor of Zhejiang University of WaterResources and Electric Power, Zhao Xueru haswritten the reportages Dreams Come True-Stories of the South-to-North Water DiversionProject and People First: Report on Relocationfor South-to-North Water Diversion Project ofChina. He coauthored the full-length novelEmperor Yu Tames the Flood (published in bothChinese and English), and has also publisheda collection of novellas, Chinese War Heroesof the Past, two collections of short storiesExtraordinary Women and Snow Has Come, andthe prose work Like Water. He has won manynational and provincial awards.

