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  2020-06-15 00:00:00  

外语教育-2016年精粹 本书特色

《外语教育(2016年精粹)》主要刊载的是第7届自主学习国际会议论文。大会共收到论文稿件100余篇,经专家审稿,录用论文22篇收入本期。所收会议论文主要涉及如下主题:课堂自主学习能力培养、自主学习相关测试、合作学习和自主学习策略及方式、现代技术支持下的自主学习研究、自主学习的认知心理和情感分析等方面。录用论文有现代理论指导,以实证研究为主,研究结果对于课内外的自主学习有实际指导意义,将有利于促进国内外自主学习研究的发展。另外,为了延续本刊一贯的栏目特色,本期设置了“外语教育”栏目,收录论文5篇,内容涉及二语习得、文学、文化、翻译等方面。 《认知语言学视阈下的英语词汇教学探索》属于二语习得方向,是本刊的重点刊载方向;《中国大学生“个人主义”文化价值观调查——以华中科技大学为例》属于文化研究范畴,是本刊着力培育的栏目;《中式菜名的文化意蕴及翻译策略》和《21世纪以来中国中长篇小说英译的现状、趋势及建议》两篇论文保持了本刊翻译研究的特色;《叙事时间照射下的殖民悲歌:论〈野草在歌唱〉的叙事时间艺术》属于文学领域,是本刊将继续支持的方向。

外语教育-2016年精粹 内容简介


外语教育-2016年精粹 目录

1认知语言学视阈下的英语词汇教学探索 马永田 张丽莹 10中式菜名的文化意蕴及翻译策略 李小悦 冯学芳 15中国大学生“个人主义”文化价值观调查——以华中科技大学为例 范蕾 樊葳葳 27叙事时间照射下的殖民悲歌:论《野草在歌唱》的叙事时间艺术 戴晓 陈爱华 3321世纪以来中国中长篇小说英译的现状、趋势及建议 方芳 王树槐 44Self-Regulated Learning in Classroom Interaction in a Summer English Programme LI Changying,LI Danli 61Measuring Language Learner Autonomy:Why and How WANG Beilei,WANG Jie 69Learning Styles among Non-Native Speakers:A Comparative Study of Chinese and Iranian EFL Learners’ Perceptual Learning Styles Maryam Banisaeid,HUANG Jianbin 83Use of Stance Adverbs in Academic English:A Comparison of L1 English and L1 Vietnamese Authors’ Writing Nguyen Thi Thu Thuy 94Fostering Learning Autonomy in Teacher-Student Co-Constructive Dialogue:An Example from a Chinese Language Class for International Students in China SONG Siqi 104Cooperative Learning in a Blended Environment:From Interdependence to Autonomy or Vice Versa? ZHANG Mulin 116Effects of English Learning Motivational Beliefs on Non-English Majors’ Use of Motivational Regulation Strategies WANG Youkun 133Autonomy as a Manifestation Reflected from English Learning via Internet after ClassWEI Jiaqi 146Autonomous Learning Ability in MOOC Learning Process SHI Zhuoting,YUE Haoping 152The Cultivation of College Students’ Learner Autonomy in Information Era CHEN Lu 156Methods and Challenges of Motivating MOOC Learners—An Analysis of MOOC Discussion Forum Posts ZHANG Huanrui,YANG Fang,ZHANG Wenxia 168Personalizing Independent Learning:An Applied Study on Military English Course Based on the Flipped Classroom HE Xiaoling 176Relations between Autonomy and Flipped Classroom Teaching YAO Gang,ZHU Qiujuan 182Independent Learning and Language Cognition in English Poetry Teaching QIAN Jun 188Autonomous Learning and the Flipped Classroom in Chinese Vocational Schools—A Warming-Up to Student-Centred Learning XU Ling,GUAN Yinxia 200Emotions and Feelings in Language Advising for Autonomy Maria Giovanna TASSINARI 209ESP Materials to Develop Students’ Learning Autonomy Joyce MERAWATI BR,Desutama Rachmat Bugi PRAYOGO,Sri DEWIYANTI 221Student Voice in Digital Classrooms:The Use of Digital Tools for Continuous Student Feedback Collection ZOU Di,XIE Haoran,Fu Lee WANG 234Autonomy in Foreign and Second Language Teaching:Case Studies of Novice English Teachers in Shenzhen and Hong Kong Jing HUANG(黄景),Kenny Yau Ning LOCK(陆佑宁) 246Chinese Students’ Perspectives on the Role of Language Learning Advisors in Fostering Learner Autonomy in a UK University LU Xinyang 257Rethinking Learner Autonomy:A Narrative Analysis of Learners’ Experiences Yoshio NAKAI,Lixian OU,Masako WAKISAKA 267Fostering Learner Autonomy through Continuous Student Feedback in Pursuit of Praxis and Establishment of I-Thou Dialogue in an EFL Classroom Ksenia TROSHINA,Janice TSANG 外语教育-2016年精粹
