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  2020-06-15 00:00:00  

英语写作基础教程-(第三版) 本书特色

  《英语写作基础教程(第3版)》(A Basic Course in Writing)主要是为高等学校英语专业一、二年级的学生编写的,同时适合师专、广播电视大学、成人高等学校的英语专业使用,也可供英语水平相近的自学者参考。

英语写作基础教程-(第三版) 目录

Chapter 1 Manuscript Form and Punctuation
1 Manuscript Form
2.Word Division
2 Punctuation
1.The Comma(,)
2.The Period(.)
3.The Semicolon(;)
4.The Colon(:)
5.The Question Mark(?)
6.The Exclamation Mark(!)
7.Quotation Marks(“...”)
8.Parentheses / Brackets((...))
9.Square Brackets([...])
10.The Dash(——)
11.The Slash(/)
12.Underlining and Italics
Keys for Reference

Chapter 2 Using Proper Words
1 Types of Words
2 Choice of Words
3 Synonyms
Some Good Dictionaries
Keys for Reference

Chapter 3 Making Correct and Effective Sentences
1 Correct Sentences
1.Completeness in Structure
2.The Right Subject
3.Agreement Between the Subject and the Predicate Verb

Chapter 4 Developing Paragraphs
Chapter 5 Summarizing
Chapter 6 Composing Essays
Chapter 7 Writing for Practical Purposes
Chapter 8 Preparing Research Papers 英语写作基础教程-(第三版)
