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日常英语 口语大全

  2020-06-15 00:00:00  

日常英语 口语大全 本书特色

《日常英语口语大全》分为 12 章,68 小节,涉及日常交际、居家生活、饮食、购物、交通、公共服务、身体健康、旅行休闲、校园、工作、恋爱婚姻、情绪情感 12 个章节的内容,几乎涵盖了我们日常生活中方方面面的话题和场景,让你随时随地都能找到话题有话说。每一个话题分 5 步学习,具体如下: ◆ 第1步 熟悉词汇 2000分类场景口语词汇一网打尽 本部分把每一个分类场景所涉及的常见口语词汇都列举出来,并加注了音标和中文释义,方便学习者记忆查找。因为词汇是句子的累积,只有积累了一定的词汇量才能在此基础上拓展句子,为交流打下坚实的基础。 ◆ 第2步 牢记句型 1600地道百变口语句型现学现用 本部分把每一个话题所涉及的常见口语句子都罗列了出来,且同一句话的不同表达或者类似表达都作为辅句补充,让学习者可以根据自身的习惯选择,同时也增加了学习者的英语口语句子积累量,拓展了知识面。 ◆ 第3步 模仿对话 136长短情景会话真人原声常模仿 这部分是针对同一个话题的不同场景对话。每一个话题设置了两个场景,以现场交流的方式直观表达出来。对话内容的表达由易到难,循序渐进,让学习者有一个阶梯型的过度,也可以根据自身的情况有针对性地学习,解除了初学者眉毛胡子一把抓的困惑。 ◆ 第4步 诵读短篇 68篇经典口语诵读短文增强语感 这部分选取了一些经典英语美文片段或一些扣人心弦引起共鸣的英语佳句供读者背诵。让学习者在练习口语的同时还能欣赏英语的美丽,增强语感。 ◆ 第5步 知晓文化 68个**文化背景还原口语内涵 这部分解释了每个话题所涉及到的英美本土文化,让学习者在交流的同时,了解东方文化和英美文化的差异,从而避免在跨文化交际中的误会。

日常英语 口语大全 内容简介

本书分为12章, 58小节, 涉及日常交际、居家生活、饮食、购物、交通、公共服务、身体健康、旅行休闲、校园、工作、恋爱婚姻、情绪情感12个章节的内容, 几乎涵盖了我们日常生活中方方面面的话题和场景。

日常英语 口语大全 目录

Chapter 1 日常交际Communication .................. 1 Section 1 见面问候Greeting .............................................................2 1 又见你真高兴 Nice to See You Again 2 好久不见 Long Time No See Section 2 介绍与回应Introduction and Reply .................................6 1 与凯里初次见面 Meet Carey for the First Time 2 与杰森的朋友认识 Meet Jason’s Friend Section 3 感谢与回应Gratitude and Reply ......................................10 1 谢谢你帮我 Thank You for Your Help 2 我欠你一份人情 I Owe You a Favor Section 4 道歉与回应 Apology and Reply .......................................14 1 抱歉,踩你脚了 Sorry, I Stepped on Your Foot 2 请接受我的歉意 Please Accept My Apology Section 5 时间与日期 Time and Date ...............................................18 1 现在是3点 It Is 3 O’clock 2 确定时间 Fix the Time Section 6 天气情况 Weather .............................................................22 1 天气真好 Nice Day 2 周末天气 The Weather of the Weekend Section 8 告别 Farewell .....................................................................30 1 我明天就要走了 I Will Leave Tomorrow 2 下周见 See You Next Week Chapter 2 居家生活 Family .................................... 34 Section 1 睡觉起床Sleeping and Waking Up ...................................35 1 起床 Get Up 2 该睡觉啦 It’s Time for Bed Section 2 洗洗漱漱 Washing Up .......................................................39 1 饭前先洗手 Wash Your Hands Before You Eat 2 我要洗个澡 I’m Going to Go Shower Section 3 一日三餐Meals ................................................................................ 43 1 去哪儿吃晚饭 Where to Go for Dinner 2 晚餐吃什么 What for Dinner Chapter 3 餐馆就餐Eating out ...............................47 Section 1 商定餐馆Where to Eat .....................................................48 1 今天去哪里吃 Where Should We Eat Today 2 快餐汉堡店 A Fast-Food Burger Place Section 2 点餐Ordering Food ...........................................................52 1 请来杯咖啡 A Coffee, Please 2 特色菜 Specials Section 3 上菜用餐Serving Meals and Eating .................................56 1 点餐 Order Meal 2 沙拉与汉堡 Salad and Burgers Section 4 买单Paying .......................................................................60 1 买单 Foot the Bill 2 今晚我请客 Tonight Is My Treat Section 5 在西餐厅At the Western Restaurant .................................64 1 开胃小菜 Some Appetizers 2 苹果派与甜点 Apple Pie and Dessert Section 6 在咖啡厅At the café .........................................................69 1 中杯卡布奇诺 A Medium Cappuccino 2 咖啡与网络 Coffee and Internet Chapter 4 消费购物Shopping ................................78 Section 1 选择超市或商场 Choosing a Supermarket or a Department Store ...................79 1 买点杂货 Buy Some Groceries 2 买运动器材 Buy Some Sport Equipment Section 2 试穿与试用Trying Out the Goods ...................................83 1 新鞋 New Shoes 2 好车 A Nice Car Section 3 结账Payment .....................................................................87 1 付现金 Pay with Cash 2 不收个人支票 No Personal Checks Section 4 售后服务Customer Service ..............................................91 1 退电话 Return the Phone 2 买打印机 Buy a Printer Chapter 5 交通出行Traffic .................................... 95 Section 1 问路指路Asking for Directions ........................................96 1 去圣玛丽教堂的路 The Way to St. Mary’s Church 2 指路去新金丝雀码头 Direct to the New Canary Wharf Section 2 坐公交Taking a Bus .........................................................101 1 去卢浮宫的公交车 Bus to the Louvre 2 坐车去埃菲尔铁塔 Take Bus to the Eifel Tower Section 3 坐地铁Taking a Subway ...................................................105 1 坐地铁去曼哈顿 Take Subway to Manhattan 2 换乘绿线 Transfer to the Green Line Section 4 坐出租车Taking a Taxi .....................................................109 1 打出租车去时代广场 Take a Taxi to Times Square 2 出租车如何计费 How Are Taxi Fares Calculated Section 5 坐火车Taking a Train .......................................................113 1 买去巴黎的高铁票 Buy a High-Speed Ticket to Paris 2 坐高铁上班 Take High-Speed Rail to Work Section 6 坐飞机Taking a Plane .......................................................117 1 订机票去芝加哥 Book a Ticket to Chicago 2 前往登机门 Head for the Boarding Gate Chapter 6 公共服务Public Service .......................122 Section 1 银行 Bank ..........................................................................123 1 开个新账户 Open a New Account 2 取钱 Withdraw Some Funds Section 2 邮局Post Office ................................................................128 1 寄包裹 Mail the Package 2 买邮票集 Buy New Collections of Stamp Section 3 美容美发店Beauty and Hair Salon ..................................132 1 烫头 Do a Perm 2 修指甲和面部护理 The Manicure and Mask Chapter 7 身体健康Health ....................................137 Section 1 感冒发烧Suffering from a Cold and Fever .................................138 1 我发烧了 I Have a Fever 2 重感冒 A Bad Cold Section 2 预约医生Doctor Appointment ..........................................142 1 预约医生 Make a Doctor’s Appointment 2 重新预约 Make Another Appointment Section 3 挂号就诊Registering and Seeing a Doctor .......................146 1 就诊 Seeing a Doctor 2 脚踝疼 My Ankle Is Aching Section 4 描述症状Describing the Symptoms .................................150 1 流感症状 Symptoms of Flu 2 感染的症状 Symptoms of an Infection Section 5 买药吃药Medicine ...........................................................154 1 买药 Buy Some Medicine 2 止疼药 The Painkiller Chapter 8 旅行休闲Travel ....................................158 Section 1 参观游览Sightseeing Tour ...............................................159 1 城市游览 Visiting a City 2 公车旅行 A Bus Tour Section 5 拍照留念Photo Taking .....................................................175 1 能帮我们拍个照吗?Could You Take a Photo for Us 178 2 再来一张 One More Photo Section 6 酒店预订Hotel Reservation ..............................................180 1 预订一个双人间 Book a Double Room 2 大号床的单人间 A Single Room with a Queen Sized Bed Section 7 入住酒店Hotel Check In ..................................................184 1 不错的房间 A Nice Room 2 房间漏水 A Small Leak in the Room Section 8 结账退房Checking Out ....................................................188 1 检查房间 Check the Room 2 退房 Check Out Chapter 9 校园生活Study .....................................193 Section 1 初进校园Entering the Campus .........................................194 1 新生宿舍 The Dormitory for Freshmen Students 2 明天注册 Registration Begins Tomorrow Section 2 学校课程Curriculum ........................................................198 1 英国文化课程 English Literature Program 2 系里的专业课 The Department’s Specializations Section 3 考试测验Tests ..................................................................202 1 考试笔记 Notes for Examination 2 复习准备生物学的考试 Study for the Biology Exam Section 5 在图书馆At the Library ....................................................209 1 在图书馆找书 Find Books in a Library 2 预定自习室 Reserve a Private Study Room Section 6 听讲座Lecture ..................................................................213 1 讲座很有趣 The Lecture Is Interesting 2 关于美国内战的讲座 Lecture on the U.S. Civil War Chapter 10 工作职场Work .......................................217 Section 1 求职应聘Job Hunting .......................................................218 1 找份兼职 Hunt a Part Time Job 2 工作面试 A Job Interview Section 2 出勤Attendance ................................................................222 1 上班迟到 Be Late for Work 2 注意出勤 Take Care of Attendance Section 3 请假Taking a Leave ..........................................................226 1 请假去度假 Take a Leave for Vacation 2 申请年假 Ask for the Annual Leave Section 4 调班加班Shifts and Overwork .........................................230 1 加班 Work Overtime 2 调班 Change the Shift Section 5 升职加薪Promotion and Getting a Raise .........................233 1 要自信 To Be Confident 2 职位提拔 A Promotion Section 6 工作会议Working Conference .........................................237 1 这次会议不错 The Conference Is Great 2 组织年会 Organize the Yearly Conference Chapter 11 恋爱婚姻Love and Marriage .............. 246 Section 1 约会Dating ........................................................................247 1 我想约你周四出来 I Want to Ask You Out This Thursday 2 周五见 See You Friday Section 2 恋爱Falling in Love ..........................................................251 1 我爱你 I Love You 2 羞于言爱 Too Shy to Say that I Love You Section 3 争吵分手Break-Up ...........................................................255 1 我们还是分手吧 We Should Break Up 2 我们还是朋友,对吗 We Can Be Friends, Right Section 4 求婚Marriage Proposal .....................................................259 1 嫁给我好吗 Will You Marry Me 2 结婚是件大事 Marriage Is Big Section 5 婚礼Wedding ....................................................................263 1 婚礼仪式 Wedding Ceremony 2 准备婚礼 Preparation for Wedding Chapter 12 情绪情感 Emotions ...................267 Section 1 高兴与难过Happy and Sad ..............................................268 1 今天不开心 Be Sad Today 2 情绪低落 In a Bad Mood Section 2 喜欢与讨厌Like and Dislike ............................................272 1 喜欢这些鞋 Like Those Shoes 2 素食主义者 Vegetarian Section 5 建议与忠告Suggestion and Persuasion ............................285 1 你该戒烟 You Should Stop Smoking 2 参加游泳俱乐部吧 Join the Swimming Club Section 6 支持与鼓励Support and Encouragement .........................289 1 你能做到的 You Can Do It 2 别放弃 Don’t Give Up

日常英语 口语大全 作者简介


日常英语   口语大全
