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  2020-06-15 00:00:00  

那些给我勇气和智慧的寓言故事-青青草中英双语分级读物-第1级-中英对照 目录

The Two Bags  两只口袋 1 The Goods and the Ills 善与恶 2 The Travellers and the Plane Tree 旅人和法国梧桐 4 The Bee and Jupiter 蜜蜂与朱庇特 6 Jupiter and the Monkey 朱庇特和猴子 8 Jupiter and the Tortoise 朱庇特和乌龟 10 Hercules and the Wagoner 大力神和车夫 12 Mercury and the Sculptor 墨丘利和雕刻家 14 Mercury and the Woodman 墨丘利和樵夫 16 The Philosopher, the Ants, and Mercury 哲人,蚂蚁和墨丘利 19 The Rich Man and the Tanner 有钱人与制皮匠 21 The Image of Mercury and the Carpenter 墨丘利像和木匠 23 The Bald Huntsman 秃头的猎人 25 Mercury and the Tradesmen 墨丘利和商人 26 The Astronomer 天文学家 28 Hercules and Plutus 赫拉克勒斯和财神 30 The Peacock and Juno 孔雀和朱诺 32 The Salt Merchant and His Ass 盐商与他的驴 34 Hercules and Minerva 赫拉克勒斯和密涅瓦 36 The Man and the Satyr 旅人和萨堤罗斯 38 The Traveler and Fortune 旅人和命运女神 40 Prometheus and the Making of Man 普罗米修斯与造人 42 The Witch 女巫 44 The Old Man and Death 老人与死神 46 The Rogue and the Oracle 无赖和圣人 47 The Farmer and the Snake 农夫与蛇  49 The Laborer and the Snake 农工和蛇  51 Farmer and the Cranes 农夫和鹤 53 The Ploughman and the Wolf 农夫和狼 55 The Farmer and His Sons 农夫和他的儿子们 57 The Snake and Jupiter 蛇和朱庇特 59 The Wasps, the Partridges, and the Farmer 黄蜂,鹧鸪和农夫 61 The Two Men Who Were Enemies 两个仇人 63 The Horse and the Groom 马和马夫 65 The Herdsman and the Lost Bull 牧人和丢失的公牛 66 The Goat and the Goatherd 山羊和牧羊人 68 The Goatherd and the Wild Goats 牧羊人和野山羊 70 The Shepherd and the Sea 牧羊人和海  72 The Shepherd and the Wolf 牧羊人和狼  74 The Shepherd and the Dog 牧羊人和狗  75 The Shepherd and the Sheep 牧羊人和羊  76 The Hunter and the Woodman 猎人和樵夫 78 The Hunter and the Horseman 猎人和骑手 80 The Fowler and the Viper 捕鸟者和蝰蛇  82 The Fowler, the Partridge, and the Cock 捕鸟人、鹧鸪和公鸡 84 The Partridge and the Fowler 斑鸠和捕鸟人 86 The Fisherman and the Sprat 渔夫和小鲱鱼 87 The Fisherman Piping 吹笛子的渔夫 88 The Fisherman and His Nets 渔夫和他的网  90 The Charcoal-Burner and the Fuller 烧炭工和漂洗工 91 The Spendthrift and the Swallow 败家子与燕子 93 The Old Woman and the Doctor 老太婆与医生 95 The Boys and the Frogs 男孩和青蛙 97 The Mistress and Her Servants 女主人和仆人 99 The Milkmaid and Her Pail 挤奶女孩和她的桶 101 The Bear and the Travellers 熊和旅人 103 The Slave and the Lion 奴隶和狮子 105 The Flea and the Man 跳蚤和人 108 The Blind Man and the Cub 盲人与小野兽 109 The Boy and the Snails 男孩和蜗牛 110 The Apes and the Two Travellers 猿猴和两个旅人 112 The Shepherd’s Boy and the Wolf 牧童和狼 114 The Boasting Traveller 吹牛的旅人 116 The Huntsman and the Fisherman 猎人和渔夫 118 The Dog and the Cook 狗和厨师 120 The Thieves and the Cock 小偷和公鸡 122 The Farmer and Fortune 农夫和命运之神 124 Father and Sons 父亲和儿子 125 The Boy Bathing 洗澡的小男孩 127 The Boy and the Nettles 男孩和荨麻 128 The Peasant and the Apple-tree 农夫和苹果树 129 The Woman and the Farmer 女人和农夫 131 The Boy and the Filberts 男孩和榛子 133 The Man and the Lion 人和狮子 134 The Traveller and His Dog 旅人和他的狗 135 The Shipwrecked Man and the Sea 遇难者与海 136 The Eagle and His Captor 鹰与捕鹰者 138 The Blacksmith and His Dog 铁匠与小狗 140 The Ass and the Old Peasant 驴和老农夫 141 The Impostor 说谎的人 143 The Farmer and His Dogs 农场主和他的狗 145 The Butcher and His Customers 屠夫和他的顾客 147 The Quack Doctor 江湖郎中 149 The Miser 吝啬鬼 151 The Man Who Lost His Spade 丢了铁锹的人 153 Grief and His Due 悲伤和他被指派的份额 155 The Two Soldiers and the Robber 两个士兵和强盗 157 The Image-seller 卖神像的人 159 The Mother and the Wolf 母亲和狼 161 The Old Woman and the Wine-jar 老太婆和酒瓶 163 The Soldier and His Horse 士兵和马 164 The Oxen and the Butcher 公牛和屠夫 166 The Prophet 算命人 168 The Three Tradesmen 三个手艺人 170 The Trumpeter Taken Prisoner 被捕的号兵 172 Venus and the Cat 维纳斯和猫 173 The Archer and the Lion 射手和狮子 175 The Charger and the Miller 战马和磨坊主 177 The Father and His Two Daughters 父亲与女儿 179 The Bee-keeper 养蜂人 181 The Weasel and the Man 黄鼠狼和人 183 The Farmer and the Fox 农夫和狐狸 185 The Lion in a Farmyard 农场里的狮子 187 The Eagle and the Arrow 鹰和箭 189 The Lioness and the Vixen 母狮与雌狐 190 The River and the Sea 河流与大海 192 The Wolf and the Lion 狼与狮子 193 The Wasp and the Snake 黄蜂和蛇 194 The Fox and the Grapes 狐狸和葡萄 195 The Goose That Laid the Golden Eggs 下金蛋的鹅 197 The Cat and the Mice 猫和老鼠 199 The Mischievous Dog 恶狗 201 The Mice in Council 老鼠开会 203 The Bat and the Weasels 蝙蝠和黄鼠狼 205 The Dog and the Sow 狗和母猪 207 The Fox and the Crow 狐狸和乌鸦 208 The Wolf and the Lamb 狼和小羊 210 The Peacock and the Crane 孔雀与鹤 212 The Cat and the Birds 猫和鸟 214 The Moon and her Mother 月亮和妈妈 215 The Ass, the Fox, and the Lion 驴子、狐狸和狮子 216 The Lion and the Mouse 狮子与报恩的老鼠 218 The Crow and the Pitcher 乌鸦和水罐 220 The North Wind and the Sun 北风与太阳 222 The Hares and the Frogs 野兔与青蛙 224 The Fox and the Stork 狐狸与鹤 226 The Wolf in Sheep’?s Clothing 披着羊皮的狼 228 The Stag in the Ox-Stall 牛棚里的雄鹿 229 The Dolphins, the Whales, and the Sprat 海豚、鲸和西鲱鱼 231 The Fox and the Monkey 狐狸和猴子 233 The Ass and the Lap-Dog 驴和哈巴狗 235 The Fir-Tree and the Bramble 冷杉与荆棘 237 The Frogs’?Complaint Against the Sun 抱怨太阳的青蛙 239 The Dog, the Cock, and the Fox 狗、公鸡和狐狸 241 The Gnat and the Bull 蠓虫和公牛 243 The Oak and the Reeds 橡树与芦苇 244 The Wolf and the Crane 狼与鹤 246 The Fox and the Goat 狐狸和山羊 248 The Crab and his Mother 小螃蟹和他的妈妈 250 The Ass and his Shadow 驴和他的影子 251 The Monkey as King 当上国王的猴子 253 The Lamp 油灯 255 The Owl and the Birds 猫头鹰和百鸟 257 The Ass in the Lion’?s Skin 披着狮皮的驴 259 The She-Goats and Their Beards 母山羊和她们的胡须 261 The Old Lion 老狮子 263 The Quack Frog 庸医青蛙 265 The Swollen Fox 胀肚的狐狸 266 The Mouse, the Frog, and the Hawk 老鼠、青蛙和老鹰 268 The Jackdaw and the Pigeons 寒鸦与鸽子 270 The Dog in the Manger 狗占牛槽 272 The Oxen and the Axletrees 公牛和车轴 273 The Frogs Asking For a King 青蛙求王 274 The Olive-Tree and the Fig-Tree 橄榄树与无花果树 276 The Lion and the Boar 狮子和野猪 278 The Walnut-Tree 核桃树 280 The Tortoise and the Eagle 乌龟和老鹰 281 The Kid on the Housetop 站在屋顶的小山羊与狼 283 The Fox Without a Tail 断尾巴狐狸 285 The Vain Jackdaw 爱慕虚荣的寒鸦 287 The Wild Boar and the Fox 野猪与狐狸 289 The Fawn and His Mother 小鹿和妈妈 290 The Fox and the Lion 狐狸和狮子 292 The Stag at the Pool 池边的雄鹿 293 The Dog and the Shadow 叼着肉的狗 295 The Mice and the Weasels 老鼠和黄鼠狼 296 The Bear and the Fox 熊与狐狸 298 那些给我勇气和智慧的寓言故事-青青草中英双语分级读物-第1级-中英对照
