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  2020-06-15 00:00:00  

大学英语四级美文晨读120篇-纯正美音版(第二版) 本书特色


大学英语四级美文晨读120篇-纯正美音版(第二版) 内容简介

新东方名师宋平明  授权正版图书赏析与学习结合 于轻松中掌握词汇语法语言与文学结合 于悦读中领略双语魅力经典与时代结合 于方寸中纵览全球热点 

大学英语四级美文晨读120篇-纯正美音版(第二版) 目录

part one环球人物   unit 1/00china?s new first lady中国新任**夫人 unit 2/00lady margaret thatcher撒切尔夫人 unit 3/00an unusual architecture?ieoh ming pei非凡的建筑师——贝聿铭 unit 4/0ford?s assembly line亨利·福特和流水线 unit 5/0a book shows putin at his best一本全面展现普京的书 unit 6/0stephen. w. hawking史蒂芬·威廉·霍金 unit 7/0president barack obama?s inaugural address奥巴马总统就职演讲 unit 8/0steve jobs史蒂夫·乔布斯 unit 9/0remarks by president bush on the loss of space shuttle columbia布什总统就“哥伦比亚”号失事发表讲话 unit 10/0the beauty ukraine former pm乌克兰前美女总理 unit 11/0an impressionist—vincent van gogh印象派大师文森特·凡高 unit 12/0london designers hail "elegant" kate middleton凯特王妃成新时尚女王——着装品位获盛赞 unit 13/0when love was the adventure爱德华与辛普森夫人——爱的艰程 unit 14/0freud?s discovery弗洛伊德的发现 unit 15/0frank foley拯救犹太人的弗兰克· 福利 unit 16/0for blooming in wards—nightingale只为病房鲜花开——南丁格尔 unit 17/0gettysburg address葛底斯堡演说 unit 18/0the big yao姚明 unit 19/0andersen?s tales安徒生童话 unit 20/0andrew carnegie安德鲁·卡内基 unit 21/0a blind woman?s vision海伦·凯勒——奋斗的人 unit 22/0u.s. navy seals unveiled揭秘美国海豹突击队 unit 23/0a millionaire soccer star from slum贫民窟的百万球星 unit 24/0marilyn monroe: candle in the wind玛丽莲·梦露:风中之烛 unit 25/0the making of isaac newton牛顿+苹果=万有引力 unit 26/0she is a legend女中传奇 unit 27/0remembering diana追忆戴安娜 unit 28/0ronaldo, king of the world世界球王——罗纳尔多 unit 29/see china in the light of her development用发展的眼光看中国   part two科技前沿   unit 1/the man on the moon?登月骗局? unit 2/does avatar make you headache?看《阿凡达》会感到头痛? unit 3/favorite punctuation mark hints your character标点符号暗藏的性格秘密 unit 4/soy for women, fish for men女性多吃豆类,男性多吃鱼类 unit 5/a magical glow神奇的发光色彩 unit 6/beware of text neck当心短信脖 unit 7/for a good marriage,travel the same way to work分享梦想与雄心有助于营造成功的婚姻关系 unit 8/here! boy嘿,看这! unit 9/mars perhaps too salty for life火星上水太咸,可能无生命 unit 10/music and verbal memory音乐和非文字记忆 unit 11/when continents collide: the history of our planet大陆相撞:我们星球的历史 unit 12/loneliness is contagious寂寞会传染 unit 13/mona lisa?s mysterious smile蒙娜丽莎的神秘微笑 unit 14/ten reasons to keep smiling保持微笑的十大理由 unit 15/rose?colored glasses in marriage盲目的爱情让婚姻更幸福 unit 16/what the label on wine bottle tell you解读葡萄酒瓶上的标签 unit 17/beware 1st?class travelers: safer to sit in rear of plane坠机测试:头等舱*危险,飞机尾部*安全 unit 18/how to swat a fly如何打苍蝇 part three职场人生   unit 1/ways to deal with haters in workplace职场上如何应对讨厌你的人 unit 2/the art of managing your life你真的有想象中那么忙吗 unit 3/chances exist in the daily details机遇在于生活的细节 unit 4/the missed blessings错过的祝福 unit 5/think positive thoughts every day积极看待每一天 unit 6/sexes equal in education, women lack power女性在政界仍落后于男性 unit 7/british fundraiser wins "best job in the world"英国慈善义工获“世界*好工作” unit 8/women approaching 30 prefer marriage to careers30岁的女性婚姻重于事业 unit 9/on achieving success关于获得成功 unit 10/when face work stress要学会利用工作上的压力 ⅲⅳ  unit 11/nearly half of britons suffer "discomgoogolation"你有“google依赖症”吗? unit 12/tactics for job?hunt success如何找到理想的工作 unit 13/how important is your popularity in office办公室人缘有多重要 unit 14/being yourself at work is not good for your career展现真我不利职场发展 unit 15/the bag makes the woman职业女性应该怎样选择手袋  unit 16/like father,like daughter就业新趋势:女承父业 part four生活百态   unit 1/“the butterfly effect” in your life人生中的“蝴蝶效应” unit 2/the kite runner追风筝的人 unit 3/the meaning of family家=爸爸妈妈,我爱你们! unit 4/free to soar自由与约束——在平衡中攀升 unit 5/today is a present 学会幸福的生活在当下 unit 6/the ugly side of miss chongqing 重庆选美比赛成选丑 unit 7/love what you do and do what you love爱你所做,做你所爱 unit 8/half the planet could be hit by food crisis by 2100全球一半人口到2100年将面临粮食危机 unit 9/a dad’s letter to hisdaughter父亲给宝贝女儿的一封信 unit 10/bad things come in small packages拆信小心! unit 11/short people are most prone to jealousy个子越矮,嫉妒心越强 unit 12/not getting enough sleep makes you fat睡眠不足可导致发胖 unit 13/can happiness be bought?钱可以买到幸福吗? unit 14/online love is often blind and brief网恋盲目而不长久 unit 15/men make women gain weight爱情影响女性体重变化 unit 16/big maconomics: how mcdonald?s explains the world“巨无霸汉堡”经济学:麦当劳汉堡如何诠释世界经济 unit 17/different exercise affects appetite differently不同锻炼方式对食欲的影响不一样 unit 18/about the film关于电影 part five环境健康   unit 1/understanding anxiety disorders“躁”化弄人 unit 2/a cool sunburn寒冷的晒伤 unit 3/obesity is contagious肥胖也会传染 unit 4/sleep on, sneeze not睡觉的时候不会打喷嚏   unit 5/supertasters beware  品尝师们要注意啦  unit 6/the mathematics of middle?age spread中年发福伤不起  unit 7/what?s the best way to help kids lose weight?帮助孩子减肥的*佳方法 unit 8/fat fighting is part of the apple?s peel苹果连皮吃有助减肥 un

大学英语四级美文晨读120篇-纯正美音版(第二版) 作者简介

       宋平明 北京新东方学校国内考试主讲明星教师,从事一线教学工作近十年。已出版国内国外考试图书近20部。国内国外考试教学研究专家,词汇教学研究专家,教育培训管理专家。授课风格激情幽默,授课态度严谨认真,授课效果卓著,已教授十数万学员,深得广大学子喜爱。

