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  2020-06-15 00:00:00  

蒙田随笔全集:上卷:Vol.1 本书特色


蒙田随笔全集:上卷:Vol.1 内容简介


蒙田随笔全集:上卷:Vol.1 目录

contents  book the first chapter 1. that men by various waysarrive at the same end / 3chapter 2. of sorrow / 9 chapter 3. that our affectionscarry themselves beyond us / 15 chapter 4. that the soul expends its passions upon false objects, where the true are wanting / 25 chapter 5. whether the governor cf a place besieged ought himself to go out to parley / 29 chapter 6. that the hour of parley dangerous / 33 chapter 7. that the intention is judge of our actions / 37……

蒙田随笔全集:上卷:Vol.1 相关资料

    “最经典英语文库”自第一辑2013年8月上市至今,整套图书已出版六辑共90部作品。图书选本方面,皆来自世界经典名著,涉及政治、艺术、人文、诗歌、小说等各个领域,原文呈现名著原貌,满足不同读者的阅读需求,《了不起的盖茨比》《哈姆雷特》等经典读本更是为广大读者所追捧。图书设计上,完全遵循国外名著图书的经典流行开本规范,掌中书的大小便携、易读;封面设计、正文版式、印刷材质等方面更是精益求精,力求将最经典、最纯粹的外国文学带给广大的中国读者,更新大家的英文图书阅读习惯。     ”最经典英语文库”系列图书其规模之大,品质之精在目前国内图书市场上可以称得上是独一无二,无愧经典的传承。展示分享会上还有英语爱好者的现场参与环节,学生们朗朗诵读的英文经典,完美体现了“倡导原味阅读,共享世界经典”的出版理念,今后,我们还将陆续推出更多英文名著经典,以飨读者。  

蒙田随笔全集:上卷:Vol.1 作者简介

Michel de Montaigne       Michel de Montaigne (28 February 1533 - 13 September 1592) was one of the most significant philosophers of the French Renaissance, known for popularizing the essay as a literary genre. His massive volume Essais contains some of the most influential essays ever written. Montaigne had a direct influence on writers all over the world, including Francis Bacon, René Descartes, Blaise Pascal, Jean-Jacques Rousseau, Albert Hirschman, William Hazlitt, Ralph Waldo Emerson, Friedrich Nietzsche, Stefan Zweig, Isaac Asimov, and possibly on the later works of William Shakespeare.

