现代英语教学要义 本书特色
现代英语教学要义 内容简介
现代英语教学要义 目录
introductionchapter 1 general objectives 1.1 communication and language development 1.2 thinking skills 1.3 learning how to learn 1.4 language and culturechapter 2 major approaches and implications for methodology 2.1 some theoretical assumptions about language 2.2 some theoretical assumptions about learning 2.3 integration in language lessons 2.4 achieving integration through the use of inventories 2.5 planning an integrated sequence of lessons 2.6 suggested steps in planning an integrated sequence of lessons 2.7 sample of integrated sequence of lessonschapter 3 common themes, topics and activities 3.1 guidelines on using the inventories 3.2 suggested themes/topics 3.3 activities inventorychapter 4 basic language skills and communicative functions 4.1 spectrum of skills 4.2 list of communicative functionschapter 5 essential grammar items 5.1 grammatical units 5.2 word classes 5.3 phrases, clauses, sentences and texts 5.4 punctuation 5.5 capitalizationchapter 6 language assessment 6.1 purposes of language assessment 6.2 principles of language assessment 6.3 content of assessment 6.4 forms of assessment 6.5 testing continuum 6.6 assessment criteria and guidelines 6.7 test tasks 6.8 suggestions on profilingappendieesreferences