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  2020-06-15 00:00:00  

终极酒店英语话题王 本书特色


终极酒店英语话题王 内容简介


终极酒店英语话题王 目录

chapter 1 前台服务unit 1 预订房间scene 1 提前预订 book in advance 3scene 2 更改预订 change the reservation 4scene 3 取消预订 cancel the reservation 6unit 2 入住宾馆scene 4 网上订房入住 booking online 9scene 5 确认信息 confirm the information 11scene 6 填写登记表 fill in the registration form 13unit 3 付款事宜scene 7 付款方式 type of payment 15scene 8 信用卡支付 pay by credit cards 17scene 9 核对账单 check the bill 19scene 10 离店送行 see off 20unit 4 接机、派车scene 11 机场接机 airport pickup 23scene 12 叫车派车 arrange a taxi 24unit 5 领取行李scene 13 帮客人搬行李 help guests with the luggage 27scene 14 领取行李 luggage claim 29scene 15 送错行李 deliver baggage to the wrong room 30unit 6 酒店设施scene 16 介绍酒店设施 introduce hotel facilities 33scene 17 设施位置 layout of hotel facilities 34scene 18 贵重物品保管、代客泊车和外币兑换等 other services 36unit 7 物品寄存scene 19 寄存行李 left baggage 39scene 20 领取行李 collect baggage 41scene 21 遗失行李牌 lost the tag 42unit 8 提供信息scene 22 提示如何到酒店 how to get to the hotel 45scene 23 如何到目的地 how to get to the destination 47scene 24 观光信息 sightseeing information 48scene 25 旅游服务 tour service 50unit 9 带至客房scene 26 带至客房 accompany the guest to the room 52scene 27 搭乘电梯 take the elevator 54scene 28 客房介绍 point out the features of the room 55scene 29 房间里的无线网 wifi in the room 56unit 10 调换房间scene 30 房间太吵 too noisy 60scene 31 没有多余空房 no extra room 61unit 11 延长住宿scene 32 延长住宿 extend the stay 64scene 33 客房已满 no vacancy 65unit 12 结账离店scene 34 呈递账单 present the bill 67scene 35 解释收费项目 explain the charging items 69scene 36 账单有误 wrong bill 70chapter 2 客房服务unit 1 客房用品scene 37 床上用品 bedding 74scene 38 卫生间用品 bathroom supplies 76unit 2 电话服务scene 39 叫醒服务 morning call service 78scene 40 电话转接服务 transfer calls 81scene 41 留言服务 take a message 82unit 3 客房清理scene 42 床铺清理 bed cleanup 84…… 终极酒店英语话题王
