新编英美文学选读 内容简介
新编英美文学选读 目录
part ⅰ english literatureunit 1 beowulf beowulf (excerpts from the translation by donaldson)unit 2 geoffrey chaucer the canterbury tales(excerpts from the "general prologue")unit 3 william shakespearethe tragedy of othello, the moor of venice(act v, scene ii)unit 4 john miltonparadise lost(excerpts from book ix)unit 5 jonathan swifta modest proposalunit 6 samuel johnsona letter to the right honourable the earl of chesterfielda preface to the dictionary (selections)unit 7 william blakepoems from the songs of innocenceholy thursdaythe lambthe chimney sweeperpoems from the songs of experienceholy thursdaythe tygerlondonunit 8 william wordsworthpoems from lyrical ballads with a few other poemsto my sisterexpostulation and replythe tables turnedthe sofitary reaperunit 9 samuel taylor coleridgethe rime of the ancient marinerunit 10 janeaustenpride and prejudice (chapters i and ii) unit 11 charles dickens david copperfield (an excerpt from chapter xxix)unit 12 emily bront~wuthering heights (chapter xv)unit 13 thomas hardytess of the d'urbervilles (chapters lv and lvi; chapter lviii)unit 14 william butler yeatsthe lake isle of innisfreeto a child dancing in the windto a friend whose work has come to nothinga prayer for old age……part ⅱ american literature