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  2020-06-15 00:00:00  

基于语料库的中国学习者英语口语中语用标记语研究:英文版 本书特色

  王丽编*的《基于语料库的中国学习者英语口语中语用标记语研究(英文版)》是“当代外语研究论丛 ”之一。基于前人的理论与实证研究,本书提出了语用标记语的理论框架,该框架包括三个语用结构层面:修辞结构,序列结构和推论结构以及三个语用结构层面所属的十四个语用功能。基于中国学习者英语口语语料库(seccl)和英国国家语料库(bnc)中的口语语料库,本书从四个方面比较了中国英语学习者和英语本族语者的使用语用标记语的异同:①语用标记语的使用频率和语用功能使用范围,②各个语用功能的分布方面,③三个语用结构层面的分布方面,④语用标记语在句中出现的位置分布方面。基于以上结果,本建议应在英语课堂中采用显性的教学,让中国英语学习者意识到语用标记语并且多接触其用法。此外,本文还提出i—i—i—i(解释一交互一归纳一内在化)的教学方法来教授中国学习者语用标记语的用法,尤其是中国学习者过少使用的修辞结构和序列结构的语用功能。希望本书的研究发现能使语用标记语的讲解和演练成为中国英语课堂教学的不可缺少的一部分。  

基于语料库的中国学习者英语口语中语用标记语研究:英文版 内容简介


基于语料库的中国学习者英语口语中语用标记语研究:英文版 目录

chapter 1  introduction   1.1  research background   1.2  research objectives   1.3  the organization of this bookchapter 2  literature review   2.1  defining discourse marker and pragmatic marker   2.2  the characteristics of pragmatic markers   2.3  research on pragmatic markers in china   2.4  different approaches to discourse      2.4.1  formal approaches to discourse      2.4.2  functional approaches to discourse      2.4.3  corpus-based approaches to discourse   2.5  sla theories: a cognitive approach      2.5.1  schmidt's construct of noticing      2.5.2  formal instruction      2.5.3  the information-processing approach      2.5.4  vanpattern and input processing   2.6  approaches to pragmatic markers      2.6.1  coherence-based approach to pragmatic markers      2.6.2  relevance-based approach to pragmatic markers      2.6.3  differences between coherence-based approach and relevance-based approach to pragmatic markers      2.6.4  gonzalez's approach to pragmatic markers      2.6.5  a tentative theoretical framework of pragmatic markers   2.7  summarychapter 3  research design   3.1  introduction   3.2  research methodology      3.2.1  corpus linguistics      3.2.2  contrastive interlanguage analysis      3.2.3  design and method   3.3  corpora used in the present study   3.4  statistical and computer tools      3.4.1  concordance software      3.4.2  detagging software      3.4.3  statistical toolschapter 4  well as a pragmatic marker   4.1  introduction   4.2  previous studies on the use of well   4.3  results and discussion      4.3.1  the functional categories of well in this study      4.3.2  contrastive analysis   4.4  interim summarychapter 5  imean as a pragmatic marker 1   5.1  introduction   5.2  previous studies on the use of i mean   5.3  results and discussion      5.3.1  the functional categories of i mean in this study      5.3.2  comparative analysis   5.4  interim summarychapter 6  you know as a pragmatic marker   6.1  introduction   6.2  previous studies on the use of you know   6.3  results and discussion      6.3.1  the functional categories of you know in this study      6.3.2  comparative analysis   6.4  interim summarychaffer 7  actually as a pragmatic marker   7.1  introduction   7.2  previous studies on the use of actually 1   7.3  results and discussion      7.3.1  the functional categories of actually in this study      7.3.2  comparative analysis   7.4  interim summarychapter 8   comparative analysis of the pragmatic markers between bnc and seccl   8.1  introduction   8.2  results      8.2.1  frequency of the pragmatic markers used in bnc and seccl      8.2.2  range of the pragmatic functions used in bnc and seccl      8.2.3  distribution of individual pragmatic function in bnc and seccl      8.2.4  distribution of the pragmatic markers in respective pragmatic structure      8.2.5  distribution of overall syntactic positions in bnc and seccl   8.3  general discussion      8.3.1  underuse of the pragmatic markers and functions by chinese efl learners      8.3.2  overuse of the pragmatic functions in the inferential structure by chinese efl learners      8.3.3  possible factors facilitating the acquisition of pragmatic markers   8.4  interim summarychapter 9  conclusion   9.1  introduction   9.2  summary of the major findings   9.3  pedagogical implications      9.3.1  consciousness raising      9.3.2  explicit instruction      9.3.3  the i - i - i - i teaching methodology   9.4  limitations of this study   9.5  suggestions for future studyreferencesindex 基于语料库的中国学习者英语口语中语用标记语研究:英文版
